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Once upon a time, a woodcutter and his wife lived in their cottage on the edge of a large and ancient forest.


They had two dear little children who met with a most wonderful adventure.


But, before telling you all about it,


I must describe the children to you and let you know something of their character;


for, if they had not been so sweet and brave and plucky,


the curious story which you are about to hear would never have happened at all.


Tyltyl—that was our hero’s name—was ten years old; and Mytyl, his little sister, was only six.


Tyltyl was a fine, tall little fellow, stout and well-set-up, with curly black hair


which was often in a tangle, for he was fond of a romp.


He was a great favorite because of his smiling and good-tempered face and the bright look in his eyes;


but, best of all, he had the ways of a bold and fearless little man, which showed the noble qualities of his heart.


When, early in the morning, he trotted along the forest-road by the side of his daddy, Tyl the woodcutter,


for all his shabby clothes he looked so proud and gallant

みすぼらしい服にもかかわらず彼にはすべてがとても誇らしげで、 雄々しく見え、

that every beautiful thing on the earth and in the sky seemed to lie in wait for him to smile upon him as he passed.


His little sister was very different,


but looked ever so sweet and pretty in her long frock, which Mummy Tyl kept neatly patched for her.


She was as fair as her brother was dark;


and her large timid eyes were blue as the forget-me-nots in the fields.


Anything was enough to frighten her and she would cry at the least thing;


but her little child soul already held the highest womanly qualities:


she was loving and gentle and so fondly devoted to her brother that,


rather than abandon him, she did not hesitate to undertake a long and dangerous journey in his company.

彼を見捨てることなく、 彼と一緒に長く危険な旅をする[引き受ける]ことを躊躇しませんでした。

What happened and how our little hero and heroine went off into the world one night in search of happiness:


that is the subject of my story.


Daddy Tyl’s cottage was the poorest of the countryside;


and it seemed even more wretched because it stood opposite a splendid hall in which rich children lived.


From the windows of the cottage you could see what went on inside the Hall

小屋の窓からは 、邸宅のなかで何が起こっているかを見ることができました。

when the dining-room and drawing-rooms were lit up in the evening.


And, in the daytime, you saw the little children playing on the terraces, in the gardens and in the hot-houses


which people came all the way from town to visit because they were always filled with the rarest flowers.


Now, one evening which was not like other evenings, for it was Christmas Eve,


Mummy Tyl put her little ones to bed and kissed them even more lovingly than usual.


She felt a little sad because, owing to the stormy weather, Daddy Tyl was not able to go to work in the forest;


and so she had no money to buy presents with which to fill Tyltyl and Mytyl’s stockings.


The Children soon fell asleep,


everything was still and silent and not a sound was heard

すべてが静かな静寂につつまれ、(not but = ~以外は)なにも聞こえませんでした。

but the purring of the cat, the snoring of the dog and the ticking of the great grandfather’s clock.


But suddenly a light as bright as day crept through the shutters,

突然、 昼のように明るい光が雨戸から忍び寄り、

the lamp upon the table lit again of itself and the two Children awoke,


yawned, rubbed their eyes, stretched out their arms in bed and Tyltyl, in a cautious voice called:




“Yes, Tyltyl?” was the answer.

「なあに? チルチル。」とミチルは答えた。

“Are you asleep?”


“Are you?”


“No,” said Tyltyl.


“How can I be asleep, when I’m talking to you?


“I say, is this Christmas Day?” asked his sister.


“Not yet; not till to-morrow. But Father Christmas won’t bring us anything this year.”


“Why not?”


I heard Mummy say that she couldn’t go to town to tell him. But he will come next year.”


“Is next year far off?


A good long while,” said the boy. “But he will come to the rich children to-night.”




“Hullo!” cried Tyltyl of a sudden. “Mummy’s forgotten to put out the lamp!… I’ve an idea!”

「あれ・・・」チルチルは突然叫んだ。「ママがランプを消すのを忘れたみたいだ。 いいアイデアがある!」



“Let’s get up.


“But we mustn’t,” said Mytyl, who always remembered.


“Why, there’s no one about!… Do you see the shutters?”

「どうして?誰もいないよ。 あの雨戸を見てごらん。」

“Oh, how bright they are!…”


“It’s the lights of the party,” said Tyltyl.


“What party?”


“The rich children opposite. It’s the Christmas-tree. Let’s open the shutters….”


“Can we?” asked Mytyl, timidly.


“Of course we can; there’s no one to stop us…. Do you hear the music?… Let us get up.”


The two Children jumped out of bed, ran to the window, climbed on the stool in front of it and threw back the shutters.


A bright light filled the room; and the Children looked out eagerly:


“We can see everything!” said Tyltyl.


“I can’t,” said poor little Mytyl, who could hardly find room on the stool.


“It’s snowing!” said Tyltyl. “There are two carriages, with six horses each!

“雪が降っているよ!” とチルチル言いました。 「馬車が2台、それぞれの馬車ごとに6頭の馬がいる!」

There are twelve little boys getting out!” said Mytyl, who was doing her best to peep out of the window.


“Don’t be silly!… They’re little girls….”


“They’ve got knickerbockers on….”


“Do be quiet!… And look!…”

「静かに! 見ろよ!…」

What are those gold things there, hanging from the branches?


Why, toys, to be sure!” said Tyltyl. “Swords, guns, soldiers, cannons….”


“And what’s that, all round the table?

「それに、円卓いっぱいのあれはなあに? 」

“Cakes and fruit and cream-tarts.”


“Oh, how pretty the children are!” cried Mytyl, clapping her hands.


“And how they’re laughing and laughing!” answered Tyltyl.


“And the little ones dancing!…”


“Yes, yes; let’s dance too!” shouted Tyltyl.


And the two Children began to stamp their feet for joy on the stool:


“Oh, what fun!” said Mytyl.


“They’re getting the cakes!” cried Tyltyl.


“They can touch them!… They’re eating, they’re eating, they’re eating!… Oh, how lovely, how lovely!…”


Mytyl began to count imaginary cakes:


“I have twelve!…”


“And I four times twelve!” said Tyltyl. “But I’ll give you some….”
