『ドリトル先生航海記』【1-2-2. えらい博物学者の話を聞く】

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“How did he get to know so much about animals?” I asked.


The cat’s-meat-man stopped and leant down to whisper in my ear.


“He talks their language,” he said in a hoarse, mysterious voice.


“The animals’ language?” I cried.


“Why certainly,”[もちろん] said Matthew.


All animals have some kind of a language. Some sorts talk more than others; some only speak in sign-language,[手まね言語] like deaf-and-dumb.


But the Doctor, he understands them all—birds as well as animals.


We keep it a secret though, him and me, because folks only laugh at you when you speak of it.


Why, he can even write animal-language.


He reads aloud to his pets.


He’s wrote history-books in monkey-talk, poetry in canary language and comic songs for magpies to sing. It’s a fact.


He’s now busy learning the language of the shellfish.


But he says it’s hard work—and he has caught some terrible colds, holding[ある状態・位置に保っておく] his head under water so much. He’s a great man.”


“He certainly must be,” I said. “I do wish he were home so I could meet him.”


“Well, there’s his house, look,” said the cat’s-meat-man—“that little one at the bend in the road there—the one high up—like it was sitting on[座っている] the wall above the street.”


We were now come beyond the edge of the town.[町の端を超えて来た] And the house that Matthew pointed out[指摘する] was quite a small one standing by itself.[一軒立ち]


There seemed to be a big garden around it;


and this garden was much higher than the road, so you had to go up[登る] a flight of steps[踊り場と次の階の間の階段] in the wall before you reached the front gate at the top.


I could see that there were many fine fruit trees in the garden,


for their branches hung down over the wall in places. But the wall was so high I could not see anything else.


When we reached the house Matthew went up the steps to the front gate and I followed him.


I thought he was going to go into the garden; but the gate was locked.


A dog came running down from the house;


and he took several pieces of meat which the cat’s-meat-man pushed through[無理に押し通す] the bars of the gate, and some paper bags full of corn and bran. 


I noticed that this dog did not stop to eat the meat, as any ordinary dog would have done, but he took all the things back to the house and disappeared.


He had a curious wide collar round his neck[首回り] which looked as though it were made of brass or something. Then we came away.[離れる]


“The Doctor isn’t back yet,” said Matthew, “or the gate wouldn’t be locked.”


“What were all those things in paper-bags you gave the dog?” I asked.


“Oh, those were provisions,”[供給, 支給] said Matthew—“things for the animals to eat.


The Doctor’s house is simply full of pets. I give the things to the dog, while the Doctor’s away, and the dog gives them to the other animals.”


“And what was that curious collar he was wearing round his neck?”


“That’s a solid gold[純金] dog-collar,” said Matthew. “It was given to him when he was with the Doctor on one of his voyages long ago. He saved a man’s life.”


“How long has the Doctor had him?” I asked.


“Oh, a long time. Jip’s getting pretty old now.


That’s why the Doctor doesn’t take him on his voyages any more. He leaves him behind to take care of[面倒を見る] the house.


Every Monday and Thursday I bring the food to the gate here and give it him through the bars.


He never lets any one come inside the garden while the Doctor’s away—not even me, though he knows me well.


But you’ll always be able to tell[いつでも見分けることが出来る] if the Doctor’s back or not—because if he is, the gate will surely be open.”


So I went off[(立ち)去る] home to my father’s house and put my squirrel to bed in an old wooden box full of straw.


And there I nursed him myself and took care of him as best I could till the time should come when the Doctor would return.


And every day I went to the little house with the big garden on the edge of the town and tried the gate to see if it were locked.


Sometimes the dog, Jip, would come down to the gate to meet me.


But though he always wagged his tail and seemed glad to see me, he never let me come inside the garden.



