【 alternative – 代替の】


ホーム » ★英単語 語源・例文 » ☆初級単語 » 【 alternative – 代替の】/”The Alternative Beat of Sunnyside High” サニーサイド高校の代替ビート

【 alternative – 代替の】という単語の語源とか由来を知っていますか?





  1. Substitute – 代替物
  2. Option – 選択肢
  3. Choice – 選択
  4. Replacement – 交換物


  1. Mainstream – 主流
  2. Conventional – 従来の
  3. Traditional – 伝統的な
  4. Standard – 標準的な






  1. I’m considering alternative career options after graduating from college.
  2. She chose to take an alternative route to work to avoid the traffic.
  3. The restaurant offers alternative menu options for those with dietary restrictions.
  4. We need to come up with an alternative plan in case the original one fails.
  5. The company is exploring alternative energy sources to reduce its carbon footprint.

【 alternative – 代替の】のコロケーション

  1. alternative energy – 代替エネルギー 伝統的な化石燃料に代わる、持続可能で環境に優しいエネルギー源を指します。
  2. alternative medicine – 代替医療 従来の西洋医学に対する補完的または代替的な医療手段や療法を指します。
  3. alternative route – 代替ルート 交通渋滞や工事などで通常の道が使えない時に利用する別の道のことです。
  4. alternative options – 代替オプション 選択肢が複数ある状況で、主なもの以外の選択肢を指します。
  5. alternative lifestyle – 代替ライフスタイル 伝統的または主流から離れた、異なる生活様式や価値観を持つことです。
  6. alternative approach – 代替アプローチ 問題解決やタスクに対して、従来の方法とは異なる新しいやり方を指します。
  7. alternative rock – オルタナティブ・ロック 従来のメインストリームのロック音楽に対する、より実験的で独自のスタイルを持つロック音楽のジャンルです。
  8. alternative school – 代替学校 伝統的な教育カリキュラムや学校システムに対する、非伝統的または実験的な教育を提供する学校です。

“The Alternative Beat of Sunnyside High” サニーサイド高校の代替ビート

In the quaint town of Sunnyside, the local council had decided to invest in alternative energy to power their street lights, a move that caused quite the buzz among the townsfolk. “With the new solar panels, we’re not just saving money, we’re saving the planet,” Mayor Thompson beamed at the inauguration ceremony.


However, when the street lights flickered and dimmed on the first evening, it was clear that an alternative solution was needed. “Perhaps we should’ve considered the alternative options before jumping on the solar wagon,” mused Councilor Greene, scratching his head as he gazed up at the faulty lights.


In the local diner, the talk of the town was the new alternative teacher at Sunnyside High, Ms. Lark, who was introducing her students to an alternative curriculum that included meditation and urban farming. “Education is more than just books and tests,” she would say, handing out seeds instead of worksheets.


Even old Farmer Jenkins, who had stubbornly resisted any modern methods, found himself considering alternative farming techniques after a group of energetic students from Ms. Lark’s class volunteered to help on his land. “Never thought I’d be taking advice from youngsters on how to run my farm, but here we are,” he chuckled, watching the students install a new drip irrigation system.


The biggest change, however, came from the heart of Sunnyside itself, as the townspeople embraced an alternative lifestyle that focused on community and sustainability. “It’s all about alternatives,” Mrs. Brown said with a smile, leading the weekly community clean-up. “Alternative ways to live, alternative ways to care, and alternative ways to grow together as a town.”

