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【 cope – 対処する】という単語の語源とか由来を知っていますか?





  1. Handle – 扱う、処理する
  2. Manage – 管理する、対処する
  3. Deal with – 対処する、取り組む
  4. Confront – 直面する、対処する
  5. Tackle – 取り組む、処理する

「cope」の反対語としては、特定の単語がありませんが、「cope」の逆を意味する表現としては「fail to cope」(対処できない)や「unable to cope」(対処できない)などが使われます。


  1. Cap – ふた、上限
  2. Coop – 鶏小屋、連れて行く
  3. Code – コード、暗号
  4. Corpse – 死体
  5. Cape – 岬、マント


  1. I have to cope with a heavy workload this week.
  2. She has developed effective strategies to cope with stress.
  3. It’s important to learn how to cope with setbacks and challenges in life.
  4. The organization provided counseling services to help employees cope with grief.
  5. Despite the difficult circumstances, she managed to cope and maintain a positive attitude.

【 cope – 対処する】のコロケーション

  1. cope with stress – ストレスに対処する 「ストレス」という課題や問題にうまく対応し、乗り越える能力を表します。
  2. cope with change – 変化に対処する 新しい状況や変化する環境に適応することを意味します。
  3. cope with loss – 喪失に対処する 何か大切なものを失った時に、その悲しみや困難に立ち向かうことです。
  4. cope with demand – 需要に対処する 高まる需要や期待に応えるための処理能力や対応策を持つことです。
  5. cope with the workload – 仕事量に対処する 多量の仕事やタスクを効率良くこなす能力を指します。

“Coping with Magic: The Cat Who Knew Too Much” – 「魔法に対処する:多くを知りすぎた猫」

In the quaint town of Littleshire, Eleanor found herself having to cope with an unusual situation: her cat, Mr. Whiskers, had developed a peculiar ability to predict the weather. “I never thought I’d have to cope with meteorological reports from a feline,” Eleanor mused as Mr. Whiskers meowed ominously at the darkening sky.


Meanwhile, at the local bakery, Tom was struggling to cope with the influx of customers seeking shelter from the storm that Mr. Whiskers had predicted. “How does one even cope with a cat-induced business boom?” he laughed, sliding another tray of cinnamon rolls into the oven.


At the local school, Mrs. Jenkins, the science teacher, was finding it hard to cope with the children’s wild theories about Mr. Whiskers’ powers. “It’s all in good fun until someone starts trying to cope with homework by asking the cat,” she sighed, confiscating a weathered almanac from a giggling student.


In the heart of the forest, the local witch, Agnes, was the only one who didn’t need to cope with surprise; she had known about Mr. Whiskers’ talents all along. “The trick,” she whispered to a cluster of curious sparrows, “is not just coping with what life throws at you, but weaving it into your own magic.”


As the storm passed, the people of Littleshire learned to cope with a little more magic in their lives, thanks to a cat and a community that could cope with anything together. “Sometimes,” Eleanor said, raising her cup of tea in a toast, “the best way to cope is simply to embrace the strange.”

