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【 differ – 異なる、違う】という単語の語源とか由来を知っていますか?

「differ」の語源は、ラテン語の「differre」から派生しています。この動詞は「分離する」や「異なる」という意味を持っていました。また、ラテン語の「dis-」(apart)と「ferre」(to carry)の組み合わせで構成されており、文字通り「別々に持つ」という意味合いも含まれています。




  1. vary: 変動する、異なる
  2. contrast: 対照する、対比する
  3. diverge: 分かれる、異なる方向に進む
  4. dissent: 異議を唱える、意見を異にする



  1. “defer” (延期する、後回しにする): 「differ」と似た発音を持つため、混同されやすいですが、意味や用法が異なります。
  2. “defend” (守る、擁護する): 「differ」とは異なる意味を持ちますが、スペルの一部が似ているため、間違えやすいです。


  1. Our opinions differ on the best approach to solving this problem.
  2. The two paintings differ in style and technique.
  3. Their views on politics differ greatly.
  4. The siblings differ in personality, with one being outgoing and the other more introverted.
  5. We need to find a solution that accommodates everyone’s differing needs.

【 differ – 異なる、違う】のコロケーション

  1. differ significantly – 著しく異なる
  2. differ slightly – わずかに異なる
  3. differ in opinion – 意見が異なる
  4. differ from the norm – 標準から異なる
  5. differ in appearance – 外見が異なる
  6. differ in size – サイズが異なる
  7. differ in taste – 味が異なる
  8. views differ – 見解が異なる
  9. differ across cultures – 文化によって異なる
  10. differ on policy – 政策に関して異なる意見である

“Disagree to Unite: The Elysian Way” – 異なることで結束:エリシアン流

In the small, seemingly uniform town of Elysian, everyone’s front door was painted blue. However, the blues differed subtly, reflecting the inhabitants’ hidden eccentricities. Mrs. Pennington’s door was a pale, dreamy cerulean, hinting at her love for the ocean, while Mr. Hobb’s indigo door suggested a deeper, more contemplative nature.


At the annual town festival, Elysian’s pies were legendary. Each baker swore by their recipe, which differed significantly in ingredients and preparation. The most heated debate was always between Sally’s sour cherry and Tom’s sweet apple pies, with residents taking sides as if they were choosing a political candidate.


The twins, Ada and Ava, were identical in appearance, but their personalities couldn’t have differed more. Ada was boisterous and bold, often leading their escapades, while Ava was quiet and reflective, always with a book in hand.


Despite the twins’ differing natures, their bond was unbreakable. When they differed in opinion, which was often, they would engage in long debates that ended with them agreeing to disagree, a testament to their mutual respect.


In Elysian, where every day seemed a peaceful repetition of the last, the ways the residents differed beneath the surface provided a tapestry of secrets and stories that made the town truly unique.
