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【 heritage – 遺産、伝統】という単語の語源とか由来を知っていますか?






  1. Legacy(レガシー)
  2. Inheritance(インヘリタンス)
  3. Tradition(トラディション)
  4. Culture(カルチャー)
  5. Patrimony(パトリモニー)


  1. Loss(喪失)
  2. Disinheritance(相続権の剥奪)
  3. Erasure(消滅)
  4. Abandonment(放棄)
  5. Modernity(現代性)



例えば、「heritage site(世界遺産)」と「hereditary disease(遺伝病)」のように、意味や文脈によって異なる単語を使い分ける必要があります。注意して正しい単語を選ぶようにしましょう。


  1. The ancient temple is a valuable heritage that has been passed down for centuries.
  2. My grandmother’s recipes are part of our family heritage.
  3. The city’s architecture reflects its rich cultural heritage.
  4. The local museum showcases the region’s history and cultural heritage.
  5. The indigenous tribe is fighting to protect their land and preserve their cultural heritage.

【 heritage – 遺産、伝統】のコロケーション

  1. cultural heritage – 文化遺産
    • 特定の文化固有の、歴史的価値のある伝統、習慣、建造物、芸術など。
  2. natural heritage – 自然遺産
    • 自然環境や生態系における、保存されるべき自然の特性や風景。
  3. heritage site – 遺産地
    • 文化的または自然的価値が認められ、保存される特定の場所。
  4. family heritage – 家族の遺産
    • 家族から受け継がれる物質的、非物質的な遺産や伝統。
  5. heritage conservation – 遺産保護
    • 文化的、歴史的遺産を保持し、未来に伝えるための活動や政策。

“The Spring of Secrets: Preserving Natural Heritage” 秘密の泉:自然遺産を守る

In the ancient city of Petra, Lara uncovered a cultural heritage that told tales of civilizations long gone, her fingers tracing the intricate carvings on the stone walls.


She set up camp near a natural heritage site, a clear spring rumored to have healing properties, marveling at the pristine beauty that had flourished untouched by time.


The local guide spoke reverently of the heritage site they approached, a sacred place where the past was palpable and the whispers of the ancestors seemed to echo through the air.


In the evenings, Lara would document her findings, determined to contribute to the family heritage of exploration that had been passed down through generations in her lineage.


Before leaving, she joined the local community in a heritage conservation effort, helping to preserve the stories and the splendor of Petra for future seekers of history’s mysteries.
