【 refund – 返金する、払い戻し】
【 refund – 返金する、払い戻し】という単語の語源とか由来を知っていますか?
- reimburse: 払い戻す、返金する
- repay: 返済する、返金する
- return: 返品する、返却する
- charge: 請求する、料金を請求する
- bill: 請求する、請求書を送る
- retain: 保持する、引き留める
- I would like to request a refund for this product as it arrived damaged.
(この商品が破損して届いたため、返金をお願いしたいです。) - The company promised a full refund if the customer is not satisfied with the service.
(会社はサービスに満足していない場合、全額返金を約束しました。) - Please provide your bank account details so that we can process the refund.
(返金処理を行うために、銀行口座の詳細を提供してください。) - The store offers a 30-day refund policy for all purchases.
(その店舗では、全ての購入に対して30日間の返金ポリシーが提供されています。) - The customer received a partial refund for the item due to a pricing error.
【 refund – 返金する、払い戻し】のコロケーション
- request a refund: 返金を要求する。商品やサービスが不満足であった場合や欠陥があった場合に、顧客がお金を返してもらうために使う表現です。
- issue a refund: 返金を発行する。企業や店が顧客に対してお金を返す手続きを行う際に使用されます。
- refund policy: 返金ポリシー。企業や店が返金に関して持っている規定や方針を指します。
- full refund: 全額返金。商品やサービスの代金を完全に返金することを意味します。
- no refund: 返金不可。商品やサービスが返金対象外であることを示す表現です。
- refund request form: 返金要求フォーム。返金を申請するために必要な書類やフォームを指します。
- refund process: 返金プロセス。返金を行う際の手順や流れを説明する言葉です。
- partial refund: 部分返金。商品やサービスの代金の一部だけを返金することを意味します。
- refund amount: 返金額。返金されるお金の量を指します。
- refund transaction: 返金取引。返金が行われる際の金銭の移動や取引を指します。
“From Disappointment to Advocacy: The Refund Chronicles” – 「失望から擁護へ:返金クロニクル」
Mr. Thompson was a thrifty man, always looking for ways to save money. One day, he bought a new vacuum cleaner from a local store, convinced by the salesman that it was the best on the market. However, when he got home and tried it out, he was disappointed to find that it didn’t work as well as advertised. Frustrated, he decided to request a refund the very next day.
When he returned to the store, he explained the situation to the manager, showing how the vacuum cleaner was not living up to its promises. The manager was understanding and agreed to process the refund immediately. Mr. Thompson was relieved, thinking that he had successfully saved his money.
However, just as he was about to leave the store, a fellow customer approached him. She had overheard his conversation with the manager and was interested in the refund process. She explained that she had bought the same vacuum cleaner and was facing the same issues. Mr. Thompson decided to help her, showing her how to request a refund.
The woman was grateful and promised to spread the word about the faulty vacuum cleaner. Mr. Thompson realized that he had turned a disappointing situation into a positive one, helping not only himself but also a fellow customer. He felt a sense of satisfaction, knowing that he had made a difference.
From that day on, Mr. Thompson became an advocate for consumer rights, using his experience to educate others about the importance of understanding refund policies. He had found a new purpose, turning his passion for saving money into a mission to empower others.