【 admire – 賞賛する】


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  1. Appreciate: 高く評価する、感謝する
  2. Respect: 尊敬する、敬意を示す
  3. Adore: 崇拝する、深く愛する
  4. Esteem: 尊重する、尊敬する
  5. Revere: 敬う、崇拝する


  1. Disapprove: 不賛成である、非難する
  2. Despise: 軽蔑する、嫌悪する
  3. Detest: 忌み嫌う、嫌悪する
  4. Dislike: 嫌う、好まない
  5. Contempt: 軽蔑、見下す


  1. Adore: 「adore」は「敬愛する」「崇拝する」という意味の動詞ですが、発音やつづりが「admire」と似ているため、混同されることがあります。
  2. Aim: 「aim」は「目指す」「狙う」という意味の動詞ですが、発音が「admire」と似ているため、誤って使われることがあります。
  3. Admit: 「admit」は「認める」「受け入れる」という意味の動詞ですが、つづりが「admire」と似ているため、誤って使われることがあります。

【 admire – 賞賛する】を使った例文

  1. I admire her dedication and perseverance in pursuing her dreams.
  2. We all admire his talent for playing the piano.
  3. She is widely admired for her kindness and compassion towards others.
  4. I truly admire the way he handles difficult situations with grace and poise.
  5. The team’s hard work and dedication are admirable and deserve recognition.

【 admire – 賞賛する】のコロケーション

  1. admire someone’s courage(誰かの勇気を賞賛する) – その人の勇気や勇敢さに感心や敬意を表すこと。
  2. admire the beauty(美しさを賞賛する) – 物事や人の美しさに対する賞賛や感銘。
  3. greatly admire(大いに賞賛する) – 非常に高い程度の賞賛や尊敬を示すこと。
  4. admire for his/her intelligence(彼/彼女の知性を賞賛する) – その人の知性や知識に対する賞賛。
  5. secretly admire(密かに賞賛する) – 公には表現されないが、内心では深い敬意や賞賛を抱いていること。
  6. admire someone’s work(誰かの仕事を賞賛する) – その人の仕事や業績に対する賞賛。
  7. openly admire(公然と賞賛する) – 公に、堂々と賞賛の気持ちを表現すること。
  8. admire the dedication(献身を賞賛する) – 誰かの尽力や献身的な努力に対する賞賛。
  9. admire from a distance(遠くから賞賛する) – 遠くから、または関わりを持たずに賞賛すること。

“The Admired Visionary of the Renaissance” – ルネサンスの賞賛されるビジョナリー

In the vibrant city of Florence, a young artist named Leonardo was beginning to be admired for his exceptional talent. His paintings were not only beautiful, but they also had a depth that made people stop and think.


Among his admirers was Isabella, a noblewoman who secretly admired his work. She often visited the gallery where his paintings were displayed, mesmerized by the brilliance of his art.


However, not everyone admired his progressive style. The local art guild, traditional and conservative, criticized Leonardo for deviating from classical techniques. They couldn’t admire what they didn’t understand.


Leonardo, however, continued to create, driven by the admiration of those who appreciated his vision. His dedication to his art was something even his critics had to admire from a distance.


In time, Leonardo’s work became universally admired, transcending the boundaries of his era. His legacy was a testament to the power of pursuing one’s passion, admired and remembered for centuries to come.



You are a customer service representative assisting a traveler with their flight reservation. The customer expresses their desire to visit a specific destination known for its natural wonders. You 【admire】 their choice and provide information about the breathtaking sights and outdoor activities available in the area. Additionally, you recommend popular hiking trails that will allow them to 【admire】 the scenic beauty up close.


  1. 顧客の選択を賞賛する: まず、カスタマーサービス担当者は、顧客が訪れたいと考えている特定の目的地に対して、「admire(賞賛する)」という言葉を使っています。この文脈では、担当者は顧客の選択を称賛し、その目的地が持つ自然の美しさや魅力を認めていることを表しています。
  2. 風景を鑑賞するためのハイキングトレイルを推薦する: その後、担当者は顧客に人気のハイキングトレイルを推薦しています。ここでの「admire(鑑賞する)」は、実際にその景色を間近で楽しむための活動を指しています。つまり、顧客が自然の景観を直接「鑑賞する」ことができるような場所や経路についての情報を提供しているのです。


In this listening comprehension question, the scenario involves a customer service representative assisting a traveler with their flight reservation. The key point of the question is to focus on the use of the word “admire” in two different contexts.

  1. Praising the Customer’s Choice: First, the customer service representative uses the word “admire” in reference to the specific destination the customer wishes to visit. In this context, “admire” indicates that the representative appreciates and acknowledges the natural beauty and attractions of the chosen destination. They are expressing admiration for the customer’s choice.
  2. Recommending Hiking Trails for Scenic Enjoyment: Later, the representative recommends popular hiking trails to the customer. Here, “admire” refers to the activity of enjoying the scenery up close. Essentially, the representative is providing information about places and routes where the customer can directly “admire” the natural landscapes.

The point in this question is to understand how “admire” is used in different contexts and to grasp the nuances in its meaning. The first use denotes emotional admiration, while the second indicates a specific action or experience. This illustrates how the customer service representative is addressing the customer’s needs and offering information to enrich their travel experience.