【 apparent – 明らかな】


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  1. Evident: 明白な、明らかな
  2. Obvious: 明白な、明らかな
  3. Clear: 明確な、明らかな
  4. Manifest: 明白な、はっきりとした
  5. Apparent: 外見上の、明白な


  1. Hidden: 隠された、明示されていない
  2. Obscure: 不明瞭な、わかりにくい
  3. Unclear: 不明確な、はっきりしない
  4. Implicit: 暗黙の、明示されていない
  5. Inconspicuous: 目立たない、地味な


  1. Transparent: 「transparent」は「透明な」という意味の形容詞です。発音やつづりが「apparent」と似ているため、混同されることがあります。
  2. Parent: 「parent」は「親」という意味の名詞ですが、発音が「apparent」と類似しているため、混同されることがあります。
  3. Apparatus: 「apparatus」は「装置」「器具」という意味の名詞ですが、つづりが「apparent」と似ているため、誤って使われることがあります。


  1. It was apparent from his expression that he was not happy with the decision.
  2. The apparent simplicity of the design hides the complex engineering behind it.
  3. The apparent calm of the surface belied the turbulent emotions within her.
  4. The apparent discrepancy between the two reports raised suspicions of foul play.
  5. The candidate’s lack of experience became apparent during the interview.

【 apparent – 明らかな】のコロケーション

  1. apparent reason(明らかな理由) – 理由がはっきりしていて、容易に理解できる状況。
  2. apparent lack(明らかな不足) – 不足や欠如が明白で、容易に認識できること。
  3. become apparent(明らかになる) – 何かが理解されやすくなったり、認識されるようになる瞬間。
  4. apparent contradiction(明白な矛盾) – 矛盾が顕著で、容易に見て取れること。
  5. apparent success(明らかな成功) – 成功が明白で、誰が見ても明らかな状況。
  6. apparent effort(明白な努力) – 努力が明らかで、容易に認識できること。
  7. apparently(明らかに) – 明らかに、明白にという意味で、何かがはっきりとしているか、そう見えるという状況を示す副詞。
  8. apparent cause(明白な原因) – 原因が明らかで、疑いようがないこと。
  9. apparent ease(明らかな容易さ) – 何かが簡単であることが明らかで、努力せずに達成されているように見える状況。

“Apparent Discoveries in a Small Town” – 小さな町での明らかな発見

In the small town of Eldridge, an apparent mystery captivated everyone. The statue in the town square, a symbol of local heritage, had started to change color overnight.


Nancy, a local journalist, noticed the apparent lack of concern from the town officials. Despite the strange phenomenon, they seemed uninterested, which piqued her curiosity.


As she investigated, the apparent contradiction in the officials’ stories became clear. They claimed ignorance, but Nancy uncovered evidence of a secret painting project intended to revitalize the town.


The revelation of this apparent scheme caused a stir among the townspeople. They were initially upset, but soon saw the apparent success in attracting tourists.


In the end, Nancy’s story brought about an apparent change in the town’s approach to its heritage. They started embracing innovative ideas while preserving their history, an apparent win for everyone.



You are a travel agent assisting a customer with their flight booking. The customer provides their travel dates and preferences. As you search for available flights, you inform the customer about the 【apparent】 availability of direct flights to their desired destination. You assure them that direct flight options are 【apparent】 and can provide convenience and time savings.


  1. 目的地への直行便の明白な利用可能性: 顧客が旅行日程と好みを提供した後、担当者は利用可能なフライトを検索します。このとき、担当者は顧客の望む目的地への直行便が「apparent(明らかに)」利用可能であると顧客に伝えます。この文脈では、「apparent」は、直行便が容易に見つかり、選択肢として存在することを指しています。
  2. 直行便オプションの明らかな利点: 次に、担当者は直行便オプションが「apparent(明らかに)」存在し、便利さと時間の節約を提供できることを顧客に保証します。この場合の「apparent」は、直行便の利点が顕著であり、顧客にとって明確な選択肢であることを意味しています。


In this listening comprehension question, the scenario involves a travel agent assisting a customer with their flight booking. The key aspect to focus on is the use of the word “apparent.” This word means “clear” or “obvious,” and it is used in different nuances depending on the situation.

  1. Apparent Availability of Direct Flights to the Desired Destination: After the customer provides their travel dates and preferences, the agent searches for available flights. At this point, the agent informs the customer about the “apparent” availability of direct flights to their desired destination. In this context, “apparent” indicates that direct flights are easily found and exist as an option.
  2. Apparent Benefits of Direct Flight Options: Next, the agent assures the customer that the options for direct flights are “apparent” and can provide convenience and time savings. Here, “apparent” means that the advantages of direct flights are prominent and represent a clear choice for the customer.

The key point in this question is to understand how “apparent” is used in different contexts and what it signifies in each situation. The first context shows that the availability of direct flights is clear, and the second focuses on the obvious benefits that these direct flights offer. This demonstrates how the agent is providing appropriate information and reassurance to the customer.