【 awareness – 意識】


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【 awareness – 意識】という単語の語源とか由来を知っていますか?







  1. Consciousness: 意識、知覚
  2. Perception: 認識、知覚
  3. Understanding: 理解、把握
  4. Realization: 実現、認識
  5. Cognizance: 認識、知覚


  1. Ignorance: 無知、無識
  2. Unawareness: 無自覚、無意識
  3. Oblivion: 忘却、無念
  4. Unconsciousness: 無意識、昏睡
  5. Insensitivity: 鈍感、無感覚


  1. Consciousness: 「consciousness」も「awareness」と同様に意識や自覚を表す言葉ですが、微妙なニュアンスの違いがあります。一部の文脈では交換して使用されることもありますが、厳密には異なる意味を持ちます。
  2. Alertness: 「alertness」は警戒心や敏捷さを指す言葉であり、意識の状態に関連しています。類似した意味を持つため、混同されることがありますが、より注意深さや警戒心を強調するニュアンスがあります。
  3. Sensitivity: 「sensitivity」は感受性や感じやすさを表す言葉です。意識の状態とは異なる概念ですが、一部の文脈では類似して使用されることがあり、混同される可能性があります。


  1. Environmental awareness has been growing, leading to increased efforts for sustainable practices.
  2. She had a sudden awareness of the beauty around her as she walked through the peaceful garden.
  3. The campaign aims to raise awareness about the importance of mental health and destigmatize mental illness.
  4. The teacher emphasized the importance of cultural awareness and understanding among the students.
  5. The news article raised public awareness about the risks of online privacy breaches.

【 awareness – 意識】のコロケーション

  1. public awareness(一般の意識) – 一般大衆が特定の問題やトピックについて認識している状態。
  2. raise awareness(意識を高める) – 人々に特定の問題やトピックについて知ってもらい、理解を深める行為。
  3. environmental awareness(環境意識) – 環境問題に対する認識や関心の程度。
  4. health awareness(健康意識) – 健康に関する知識や注意を払うこと。
  5. self-awareness(自己意識) – 自分自身の感情、思考、行動についての認識や理解。
  6. cultural awareness(文化的意識) – 異なる文化に対する認識や理解。
  7. awareness campaign(意識向上キャンペーン) – 特定のトピックや問題について人々の意識を高めるための活動。
  8. lack of awareness(意識の不足) – ある問題やトピックについての認識や理解が不足している状態。
  9. social awareness(社会的意識) – 社会的問題や動向に対する認識や関心。

“Redefining Awareness in a Connected World” – つながる世界における意識の再定義

In the futuristic city of Zenith, a new technology called “AwareNet” had emerged, promising to enhance public awareness about the world’s challenges. It was a network that connected people’s minds, sharing knowledge instantly.


However, not everyone was ready for this leap in awareness. Maya, a young journalist, was skeptical. She believed in the power of individual thought and was wary of a collective awareness that could be manipulated.


Maya decided to investigate and found that the awareness campaign for AwareNet was masking its true intentions. It wasn’t just about sharing knowledge; it was about controlling the public’s awareness and perceptions.


As Maya exposed the truth, she sparked a new awareness among the people. They began to value their individual insights and questioned the narrative fed to them through AwareNet.


In the end, Zenith’s citizens achieved a balanced awareness, blending individual thought with collective wisdom. Maya’s efforts reminded everyone that true awareness comes not just from information shared but also from critical thinking and self-awareness.
