【 fluctuate – 変動する、上下する】


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【 fluctuate – 変動する、上下する】という単語の語源とか由来を知っていますか?







  1. Vary(変動する)
  2. Oscillate(振動する)
  3. Swing(揺れ動く)
  4. Alternate(交互に変動する)
  5. Vacillate(迷う、動揺する)


  1. Stabilize(安定する)
  2. Remain constant(一定である)
  3. Persist(持続する)
  4. Level off(横ばいになる)
  5. Fix(固定する)


  1. Fluorescent(蛍光の): 「Fluorescent」と「fluctuate」は音が似ているため、混同されることがあります。しかし、「fluorescent」は光の性質や特定の光源の特徴を指す形容詞です。
  2. Flounder(もがく、四苦八苦する): 「Flounder」と「fluctuate」は音が似ているため、混同されることがあります。しかし、「flounder」は苦労したり、もがいたりすることを意味します。


  1. The stock prices have been fluctuating wildly in recent weeks.
  2. The temperature in this region tends to fluctuate greatly throughout the year.
  3. The company’s profits have been fluctuating between highs and lows over the past few quarters.
  4. Her mood seems to fluctuate from extreme happiness to deep sadness within a short span of time.
  5. The demand for the product fluctuates seasonally, with higher sales during the summer months.

【 fluctuate – 変動する、上下する】のコロケーション

  1. fluctuate widely – 幅広く変動する この表現は、価格や数値が非常に大きな範囲で変動することを示します。
  2. fluctuate between A and B – AとBの間で変動する 何かが二つの異なる状態や数値の間で変動することを指します。
  3. fluctuate over time – 時間と共に変動する このフレーズは、時間の経過とともに変動することを指し、しばしば経済的な文脈で用いられます。
  4. temperature fluctuates – 温度が変動する 気温が上がったり下がったりすることを表します。
  5. market fluctuates – 市場が変動する 株式市場や商品市場などが不安定で変動する様子を指します。

“The Clock That Fluctuated a Town’s Destiny” – 町の運命を変動させた時計

In the heart of the bustling city, there was a peculiar clock, known for its fluctuating hands that never showed the same time twice. This clock, standing tall in the town square, had become a source of many urban legends.


One day, a young girl named Elara noticed that her moods seemed to fluctuate in sync with the clock’s hands. Whenever the clock’s hands moved erratically, her emotions would swing wildly from joy to sorrow.


Intrigued by this phenomenon, Elara began to investigate and discovered that the town’s fortunes also seemed to fluctuate with the clock. When the clock was steady, the town prospered; when it was erratic, chaos ensued.


Determined to find the cause, Elara learned that the clock was built on a site where the earth’s magnetic fields fluctuate unpredictably, affecting everything in its vicinity.


With this knowledge, Elara set out to stabilize the fluctuations, using her newfound ability to sense the changes. Her efforts brought balance to the town, and the clock’s fluctuating hands became a symbol of harmony, rather than chaos.
