Read the following passage and answer the question.

Why do hotels strive to diffuse a welcoming atmosphere?
【diffuse】 – to spread or promote widely

Hotels understand the importance of creating a welcoming atmosphere for their guests. They strive to diffuse this atmosphere throughout the entire property. A welcoming atmosphere helps guests feel comfortable and at ease during their stay. It creates a positive impression and contributes to a memorable experience. Hotel staff are trained to greet guests warmly, provide personalized service, and maintain a friendly environment. By diffusing a welcoming atmosphere, hotels can leave a lasting impression on their guests and encourage them to return in the future.

Question: Why do hotels strive to diffuse a welcoming atmosphere?
a) To discourage customer satisfaction and repeat business.
b) To conform to outdated hospitality standards and practices.
c) To enhance guest experience and promote positive reviews.
d) To avoid taking responsibility for guest complaints.

解答: c) To enhance guest experience and promote positive reviews.

【diffuse】 – 広める、広範囲に広げる


質問: なぜホテルは温かい雰囲気を広めようとするのでしょうか?
a) 顧客満足度とリピートビジネスを阻止するため
b) 時代遅れのホスピタリティ基準や慣行に従うため
c) ゲストの経験を向上させ、ポジティブなレビューを促進するため
d) ゲストの苦情への責任を回避するため


Read the following conversation and answer the question.

Why do hotels encourage their staff to diffuse accurate information to guests?
【diffuse】 – to spread or promote widely

A: Good morning! How can I assist you today?
B: Hi, I’m planning to visit the city next month. Can you recommend any popular attractions?
A: Certainly! There are several popular attractions in the city, such as the famous museum and the scenic park. They offer a great experience for visitors.
B: That sounds interesting. Are there any entrance fees for these attractions?
A: Yes, some attractions do have entrance fees. I can provide you with the details and help you plan your itinerary accordingly.
B: Thank you for the information. I appreciate your assistance.
A: You’re welcome. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask!

Question: Why do hotels encourage their staff to diffuse accurate information to guests?
a) To discourage customer satisfaction and repeat business.
b) To conform to outdated hospitality standards and practices.
c) To enhance guest experience and promote positive reviews.
d) To avoid taking responsibility for guest complaints.

解答: c) To enhance guest experience and promote

positive reviews.

【diffuse】 – 広める、広範囲に広げる

A: おはようございます!今日はどういったご用件でしょうか?
B: こんにちは、来月この街を訪れる予定です。人気の観光名所をお勧めしていただけますか?
A: もちろんです!この街には有名な博物館や風景の美しい公園など、多くの人気観光地があります。これらは訪問者に素晴らしい体験を提供します。
B: それは興味深いですね。これらの観光地には入場料がありますか?
A: はい、いくつかの観光地には入場料があります。詳細をご提供し、あなたの旅行プランに合わせてお手伝いします。
B: 情報をありがとうございます。ご協力に感謝します。
A: どういたしまして。何か他に質問があれば、お気軽にお尋ねください!

質問: なぜホテルはスタッフにゲストに正確な情報を広めるよう奨励するのでしょうか?

a) 顧客満足度とリピートビジネスを阻止するため
b) 時代遅れのホスピタリティ基準や慣行に従うため
c) ゲストの経験を向上させ、ポジティブなレビューを促進するため
d) ゲストの苦情への責任を回避するため
