Read the following passage and answer the question.

Why do hotels invest in artwork and decor?
【inspire】 – to give rise to a feeling or idea, to motivate or encourage

Many hotels invest in artwork and decor to create an inviting and visually appealing atmosphere. The choice of artwork and decor can significantly impact the guest experience by inspiring a sense of relaxation, beauty, and sophistication. Hotels understand that a well-curated aesthetic can inspire positive emotions and leave a lasting impression on guests. Additionally, unique and captivating artwork can serve as a conversation starter and become a memorable part of the overall guest experience.

Question: Why do hotels invest in artwork and decor, as mentioned in the passage?
a) To discourage customer satisfaction and repeat business.
b) To conform to outdated hospitality standards and practices.
c) To enhance guest experience and promote positive reviews.
d) To avoid taking responsibility for guest complaints.

解答: c) To enhance guest experience and promote positive reviews.

【inspire】 – 感情やアイデアを引き起こし、動機づけたり奨励したりする


質問: なぜホテルはアート作品や装飾に投資するのでしょうか?

a) 顧客満足度とリピートビジネスを阻止するため
b) 時代遅れのホスピタリティ基準や慣行に従うため
c) ゲストの経験を向上させ、ポジティブなレビューを促進するため
d) ゲストの苦情への責任を回避するため


Read the following conversation and answer the question.

Why do hotels organize team-building activities for their staff?
【inspire】 – to give rise to a feeling or idea, to motivate or encourage

A: We’re planning a team-building activity for the staff next week.
B: That’s a great idea! Team-building activities can inspire camaraderie and collaboration among the staff members.
A: Exactly. It’s important to foster a positive work environment and motivate the staff to work together effectively.
B: Team-building activities also provide an opportunity for personal growth and development. They can inspire creativity and problem-solving skills.
A: That’s true. By investing in our staff’s development and teamwork, we can achieve better results and guest satisfaction.

Question: Why do hotels organize team-building activities for their staff, as mentioned in the conversation?
a) To discourage customer satisfaction and repeat business.
b) To conform to outdated hospitality standards and practices.
c) To enhance staff camaraderie and collaboration.
d) To avoid taking responsibility for staff complaints.

解答: c) To enhance staff camaraderie and collaboration.

【inspire】 – 感情やアイデアを引き起こし、動機づけたり奨励したりする

A: 来週、スタッフのためのチームビルディング活動を計画しています。
B: それは素晴らしいアイデアですね!チームビルディング活動はスタッフ間の連帯感と協力を促すことができます。
A: その通りです。ポジティブな職場環境を育み、スタッフが効果的に協力し合うことが重要です。
B: チームビルディング活動は、個人の成長と発展の機会も提供します。創造力や問題解決のスキルを刺激することができます。
A: それはその通りです。スタッフの成長とチームワークに投資することで、より良い結果とゲストの満足を達成できます。

質問: なぜホテルはスタッフのためにチームビルディング活動を行うのでしょうか?

a) 顧客満足度とリピートビジネスを阻止するため
b) 時代遅れのホスピタリティ基準や慣行に従うため
c) スタッフの連帯感と協力を高めるため
d) スタッフの苦情への責任を回避するため
