Read the following passage and answer the question.
Why do hotels strive to provoke a positive emotional response from their guests?
【provoke】 – to stimulate or elicit

Hotels understand the importance of creating memorable experiences for their guests. They aim to 【provoke】 a positive emotional response that will leave a lasting impression. By providing exceptional service, comfortable accommodations, and personalized touches, hotels seek to evoke feelings of joy, satisfaction, and delight in their guests. This not only enhances the overall guest experience but also promotes positive word-of-mouth and repeat business.

Question: What is the reason for hotels to strive to provoke a positive emotional response from their guests, as mentioned in the passage?
a) To discourage customer satisfaction and repeat business.
b) To conform to outdated hospitality standards and practices.
c) To enhance guest experience and promote positive reviews.
d) To avoid taking responsibility for guest complaints.

解答: c) To enhance guest experience and promote positive reviews.

【provoke】 – 刺激する、引き出す


質問: 文章で述べられているように、なぜホテルはゲストにポジティブな感情反応を引き起こそうとするのでしょうか?
a) 顧客満足度とリピートビジネスを阻止するため
b) 時代遅れのホスピタリティ基準や慣行に従うため
c) ゲストの経験を向上させ、ポジティブなレビューを促進するため
d) ゲストの苦情への責任を回避するため


Read the following conversation and answer the question.

Why should hotels avoid provoking negative emotions in their guests?
【provoke】 – to stimulate or elicit

A: Excuse me, I had a terrible experience during my stay at your hotel.
B: I apologize for the inconvenience. Could you please share what happened?
A: The noise from the construction work nearby was unbearable. It really provoked my frustration.
B: I understand and I apologize for the disturbance caused. We strive to create a peaceful environment for our guests.
A: It’s important to consider the impact on guests’ emotions.

Question: What is the reason for hotels to avoid provoking negative emotions in their guests, as mentioned in the conversation?
a) To discourage customer satisfaction and repeat business.
b) To conform to outdated hospitality standards and practices.
c) To enhance guest experience and promote positive reviews.
d) To avoid taking responsibility for guest complaints.

解答: c) To enhance guest experience and promote positive reviews.

【provoke】 – 刺激する、引き出す

A: すみません、私の滞在中にホテルでひどい経験をしました。
B: ご不便をおかけして申し訳ありません。何があったかお聞かせいただけますか?
A: 近くの工事の音が耐え難かったです。それが私のフラストレーションを引き起こしました。
B: それは申し訳ありません。ゲストに平穏な環境を提供することを心掛けています。
A: ゲストの感情への影響を考慮することが重要です。

質問: 会話で述べられているように、なぜホテルはゲストにネガティブな感情を引き起こさないようにするべきなのでしょうか?

a) 顧客満足度とリピートビジネスを阻止するため
b) 時代遅れのホスピタリティ基準や慣行に従うため
c) ゲストの経験を向上させ、ポジティブなレビューを促進するため
d) ゲストの苦情への責任を回避するため
