Read the following passage and answer the question.

Why do hotels organize team-building activities for their staff?
【unite】 – to come together or join as a group

Hotels recognize the importance of a united and cohesive staff. By organizing team-building activities, hotels aim to foster a sense of unity and collaboration among their staff members. These activities provide opportunities for the staff to bond, build relationships, and develop effective communication and problem-solving skills. When the staff is united, they work together seamlessly, resulting in improved guest experiences. A strong and united staff is crucial for providing exceptional service and creating a positive atmosphere for guests.

Question: Why do hotels organize team-building activities for their staff?
a) To discourage customer satisfaction and repeat business.
b) To conform to outdated hospitality standards and practices.
c) To enhance guest experience and promote positive reviews.
d) To avoid taking responsibility for guest complaints.

解答: c) To enhance guest experience and promote positive reviews.

【unite】 – 一緒になる、またはグループとして集まる


質問: なぜホテルはスタッフのためにチームビルディング活動を行うのでしょうか?
a) 顧客満足度とリピートビジネスを阻止するため
b) 時代遅れのホスピタリティ基準や慣行に従うため
c) ゲストの経験を向上させ、ポジティブなレビューを促進するため
d) ゲストの苦情への責任を回避するため


Read the following passage and answer the question.

Why do hotels encourage their guests to participate in environmental conservation initiatives?
【unite】 – to come together or join as a group

Hotels understand the importance of environmental conservation and the role they play in it. By encouraging guests to participate in environmental conservation initiatives, hotels aim to unite their guests towards a common cause. Guests are often invited to reuse towels, conserve water, and properly dispose of waste to reduce their environmental footprint. These initiatives not only benefit the environment but also create a sense of unity and shared responsibility among the guests. By engaging in environmental conservation practices, guests contribute to sustainable tourism and create a positive impact on the destinations they visit.

Question: Why do hotels encourage their guests to participate in environmental conservation initiatives?
a) To discourage customer satisfaction and repeat business.
b) To conform to outdated hospitality standards and practices.
c) To enhance guest experience and promote positive reviews.
d) To avoid taking responsibility for guest complaints.

解答: c) To enhance guest experience and promote positive reviews.

【unite】 – 一緒になる、またはグループとして集まる


質問: なぜホテルはゲストに環境保全の取り組みに参加するよう奨励するのでしょうか?
a) 顧客満足度とリピートビジネスを阻止するため
b) 時代遅れのホスピタリティ基準や慣行に従うため
c) ゲストの経験を向上させ、ポジティブなレビューを促進するため
d) ゲストの苦情への責任を回避するため
