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【Consolidate   統合する】という単語の語源とか由来を知っていますか?




The etymology of “Consolidate” originates from the Latin word “consolidatus.” This adjective is derived from “con-” (together) and “solidus” (solid, firm), literally meaning “to make firm together.”

“Consolidate” was originally used to mean making a physical object solid or uniting it, but later came to be used in various fields. When used in the context of organizations or businesses, it carries a strong implication of combining multiple elements into one, integrating them.

Furthermore, the etymological root “solidus” is also related to the Latin “solus” (one). From this, it can be understood that “Consolidate” signifies the creation of a strong, unified entity by bringing multiple elements together.



  1. Merge – 合併する
  2. Unify – 統一する
  3. Amalgamate – 合併する
  4. Integrate – 統合する
  5. Combine – 結合する
  6. Fuse – 融合する
  7. Coalesce – 合体する
  8. Blend – 混合する
  9. Join – 結合する
  10. Centralize – 中央集権化する


  1. Divide – 分割する
  2. Separate – 分離する
  3. Disperse – 散開する
  4. Disassemble – 分解する
  5. Dissolve – 溶解する
  6. Split – 分裂する
  7. Scatter – 散らす
  8. Disintegrate – 崩壊する
  9. Fragment – 砕ける
  10. Decentralize – 分散させる


  1. Conflate – 混同する: “Conflate”は異なる概念や事実を一つに混ぜ合わせてしまうことを意味しますが、”Consolidate”は複数の要素を組織的に一つにまとめることを意味します。”Conflate”はしばしば誤解や誤った結論につながる混合を示します。
  2. Coordinate – 調整する: “Coordinate”は複数の要素や活動を整理して一貫性のある全体を作ることを意味しますが、”Consolidate”はより統合や合併のニュアンスが強いです。
  3. Aggregate – 集約する: “Aggregate”は個々の要素を集めて全体として数えることを指しますが、”Consolidate”はその要素を統一的な構造に統合することを強調します。
  4. Assimilate – 同化する: “Assimilate”は異なる要素が一つの文化や体系に溶け込むことを指しますが、”Consolidate”は複数の要素を一つにまとめることに重点を置いています。


The company decided to consolidate its various departments into one unified team.

The government plans to consolidate several small schools into a larger educational institution.

The merger between the two companies aims to consolidate their market share and increase competitiveness.

Sarah consolidated her debts by taking out a loan and paying off all her outstanding balances.

The project manager consolidated all the feedback from team members and presented a comprehensive report.

【consolidate   統合する】のコロケーション

  1. Consolidate power – 権力を統合する
    • 政治的な文脈でよく使われ、政治家や政党が権力を強化し、支配を固める行為を指します。
  2. Consolidate resources – 資源を統合する
    • 組織やプロジェクトが、効率的な使用や管理のために、複数の資源や資産を一つにまとめることを指します。
  3. Consolidate debts – 債務を統合する
    • 財務や経済の分野で使われ、複数の借金やローンを一つにまとめて管理しやすくすることを指します。
  4. Consolidate positions – 地位を固める
    • 企業や個人が、市場や業界内での自分たちの位置を強化し、安定させることを意味します。
  5. Consolidate gains – 利益を確固たるものにする
    • 投資やビジネスの文脈で使用され、得られた利益や成功を持続可能なものにする努力を指します。
  6. Consolidate knowledge – 知識を統合する
    • 学習や研究の分野で使われ、複数の情報源やデータから得られた知識を一つにまとめ、理解を深めることを指します。
  7. Consolidate operations – 業務を統合する
    • 企業が効率や生産性を高めるために、複数の業務やプロセスを一つにまとめることを指します。










The word “consolidate” refers to a diverse concept used in various contexts, surrounded by a series of collocations that illustrate its application.

First, the phrase “to consolidate power” is frequently encountered in political contexts. It describes the process by which politicians or political parties strengthen their power and make their dominance more solid. This is often used in the sense of concentrating power.

Next, “to consolidate resources” indicates the act of organizations or projects bringing together multiple resources or assets for more efficient use and management. This leads to the optimization of resources.

The expression “to consolidate debts” refers to the situation where individuals or businesses combine multiple debts or loans into one, making repayment easier to manage. This is very important as part of financial management.

Moreover, “to consolidate positions” means for companies or individuals to strengthen and stabilize their positions within the market or industry. This is a crucial strategy for maintaining a competitive advantage.

“To consolidate gains” points to the effort to make the profits or successes obtained sustainable. This is particularly used in the context of investments or business.

“To consolidate knowledge” denotes the process of combining knowledge obtained from multiple sources or data into one in the course of learning or research, thus deepening the overall understanding. This is essential for the deepening and expansion of knowledge.

Lastly, “to consolidate operations” refers to the act of companies streamlining multiple operations or processes into one, thereby enhancing efficiency and productivity. This realizes the streamlining of operations.

These collocations demonstrate the wide applicability of “consolidate” and how the process of consolidation impacts various aspects of modern society. The use in each context tells the story of the power of consolidation and the breadth of its influence.


問題 1:

Fill in the blank:
The company decided to __ its various departments to improve efficiency and reduce costs.

  • (A) consolidate
  • (B) divide
  • (C) disperse
  • (D) complicate

正解: (A) consolidate

「consolidate」は「統合する」という意味で、会社が効率を改善しコストを削減するために各部門を統合するという文脈に最も適しています。他の選択肢(divide: 分割する、disperse: 散らす、complicate: 複雑にする)は文脈に合いません。

問題 2:

Choose the correct form of the word:
After the merger, the two firms worked to __ their operations into a single entity.

  • (A) consolidate
  • (B) consolidation
  • (C) consolidated
  • (D) consolidating

正解: (A) consolidate

「consolidate」は動詞で、「統合する」という意味です。合併後に2つの会社がその業務を単一の組織に統合しようとしたことを示しています。他の選択肢(consolidation: 名詞、consolidated: 過去形、consolidating: 現在分詞)は文法的に不適切です。

問題 3:

Select the sentence that uses the word correctly:

  • (A) The manager wanted to consolidate the team’s efforts into one major project.
  • (B) The CEO decided to consolidate the company by adding more divisions.
  • (C) The process of consolidating involved splitting the assets.
  • (D) The consolidation required the company to expand rapidly.

正解: (A) The manager wanted to consolidate the team’s efforts into one major project.


  • (B) 「consolidate by adding more divisions」は文脈に合いません。
  • (C) 「consolidating involved splitting」は反対の意味です。
  • (D) 「consolidation required expanding」は文脈に合いません。

問題 4:

Identify the part of speech:
The word “consolidate” in the sentence “The board plans to consolidate its resources for better management” is a:

  • (A) noun
  • (B) verb
  • (C) adjective
  • (D) adverb

正解: (B) verb


問題 5:

Correct the following sentence:
The financial analyst recommended a __ of accounts to simplify the reporting process.

  • (A) consolidate
  • (B) consolidating
  • (C) consolidation
  • (D) consolidated

正解: (C) consolidation

「consolidation」は名詞で、「統合」という意味です。この文脈に最も適しています。他の選択肢(consolidate: 動詞、consolidating: 現在分詞、consolidated: 過去形)は文法的に不適切です。