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【Equanimity   平静】という単語の語源とか由来を知っていますか?


“Equanimity” is derived from the Latin word “aequanimis,” which is composed of two words: “aequus” (equal, even) and “animus” (mind, spirit), meaning “balance of mind” or “composure.” This term is used to describe the ability to maintain peace of mind and calmness, without being disturbed by emotions or external events. Over time, “Equanimity” has come to refer to a psychological state of calmness and tranquility in English, indicating the ability to remain composed and balanced.



  1. Composure: 落ち着き、冷静さ。
  2. Tranquility: 静けさ、穏やかさ。
  3. Serenity: 平和、静寂。
  4. Calmness: 冷静、平穏。
  5. Poise: 落ち着き、バランスの取れた状態。
  6. Stoicism: 禁欲主義、感情を抑えること。
  7. Imperturbability: 動じないこと、平静性。


  1. Agitation: 動揺、興奮。
  2. Anxiety: 不安、心配。
  3. Disturbance: 騒動、乱れ。
  4. Turbulence: 乱気流、動乱。
  5. Restlessness: 落ち着きのなさ、不安定。
  6. Excitability: 興奮しやすさ、感情的な反応性。
  7. Perturbation: 混乱、動揺。


  1. Tranquility (静けさ): 「Tranquility」は外部環境や周囲の静けさを指すことが多く、内面の状態だけでなく外的な平和も含まれます。「Equanimity」は内面の平衡に焦点を当てています。
  2. Serenity (穏やかさ): 「Serenity」もまた内面の平和を示す言葉ですが、これは一般的に心地よい穏やかさや安らぎを指します。「Equanimity」は困難な状況においても平静を保つ能力により重きを置いています。
  3. Calmness (冷静): 「Calmness」は「Equanimity」と非常に近い意味を持ちますが、一般的には感情の動揺が少ない状態や、穏やかな感情の状態を指します。「Equanimity」はより哲学的または精神的な平衡と冷静さを意味することが多いです。
  4. Stoicism (禁欲主義): 「Stoicism」は、感情を抑制し、苦痛や楽しみに対して無関心を保つという哲学や態度を指します。これは「Equanimity」と共通する側面がありますが、ストア哲学はより広範な人生の態度や哲学を包含しているため、範囲が広いです。






This concept has played a significant role in many philosophical, spiritual traditions, and literary works. For example, Stoic philosophy emphasizes maintaining equanimity in the face of life’s difficulties and challenges. Stoic philosophers idealized keeping inner peace without being disturbed by external events.

Furthermore, “equanimity” is a central concept in many religions and spiritual practices. In Buddhism, for instance, “upekkha” (equanimity) corresponds to maintaining an equal attitude towards all living beings. It signifies keeping a balanced mind towards all existences without being swayed by emotional fluctuations.

In literature, “equanimity” is often depicted as an indicator of a character’s inner strength and maturity. Characters who maintain their composure in the face of difficult situations or moral dilemmas are frequently admired.

These examples demonstrate that “equanimity” is a universal concept of value across various aspects of human experience. It represents an important goal in the journey towards personal growth, spiritual evolution, and balancing human relationships.


Despite facing criticism and adversity, she maintained her equanimity and responded with grace.

In the midst of chaos, he found a place of equanimity within himself, allowing him to make clear decisions.

The meditation practice helped her cultivate equanimity, enabling her to observe her thoughts without attachment.

The leader’s equanimity in times of crisis reassured the team and inspired confidence in their ability to overcome challenges.

With equanimity, she accepted both success and failure as part of life’s journey, embracing each experience as an opportunity for growth.

【equanimity   平静】のコロケーション

  1. Maintain equanimity (平静を保つ): 困難な状況やストレスがある場合でも、冷静さや平和な心の状態を維持することを意味します。
  2. Equanimity in the face of adversity (逆境における平静): 挑戦や困難に直面しても、動じずに平静を保つ能力を指します。
  3. Cultivate equanimity (平静を養う): メンタルトレーニングや瞑想などを通じて、心の平和と冷静さを発達させるプロセスを意味します。
  4. Test of equanimity (平静の試練): 個人の冷静さや平和な心が試される状況や出来事を指します。
  5. Sense of equanimity (平静の感覚): 心が平和であり、外的な刺激に対しても平衡を保つ感覚を表します。

「Equanimity」(平静)という言葉は、心の平和や冷静さ、そして感情的な波に対する耐性を維持することに関連しています。この言葉と一緒によく使われるコロケーションには、困難な状況やストレスのある時でも平静を保つことを意味する「Maintain equanimity」や、逆境に直面しても動じない能力を指す「Equanimity in the face of adversity」があります。また、「Cultivate equanimity」は、瞑想やメンタルトレーニングを通じて心の平和と冷静さを発達させるプロセスを、そして「Test of equanimity」は個人の冷静さや平和な心が試される状況や出来事を意味します。さらに、「Sense of equanimity」は、心が平和であり、外的な刺激に対しても平衡を保つ感覚を表します。


The term “Equanimity” relates to maintaining peace of mind, calmness, and resilience against emotional fluctuations. Common collocations with this word include “Maintain equanimity,” meaning to keep one’s composure and peaceful state of mind even in stressful or difficult situations, and “Equanimity in the face of adversity,” which refers to the ability to remain unfazed in challenging circumstances. Additionally, “Cultivate equanimity” describes the process of developing inner peace and calm through practices like meditation or mental training, while “Test of equanimity” points to situations or events that challenge an individual’s calmness and peace of mind. “Sense of equanimity” expresses the feeling of being at peace and balanced, even when faced with external stimuli.

These expressions emphasize the importance of personal efforts and practices in strengthening one’s inner self and maintaining a peaceful mind in the face of external events. “Equanimity” is a crucial concept in the pursuit of mental stability and growth, representing a key state of mind that enables individuals to overcome challenges and difficulties they encounter.


Despite the chaos around her, she maintained her __ and handled the situation with grace.

  • (A) aggression
  • (B) equanimity
  • (C) panic
  • (D) confusion

正解: (B) equanimity

文脈上、周囲の混乱にもかかわらず、彼女が「平静」を保ち状況に対処したことを意味する語が適しています。「equanimity」は「平静」を意味し、他の選択肢(aggression: 攻撃性、panic: パニック、confusion: 混乱)はこの文脈に合いません。

問題 2: Choose the correct form of the word:

In stressful situations, his __ helped to calm those around him.

  • (A) equanimous
  • (B) equanimity
  • (C) equanimities
  • (D) equanimousness

正解: (B) equanimity


問題 3: Select the sentence that uses the word correctly:

  • (A) His equanimity was evident in his erratic behavior.
  • (B) She lost her equanimity and started shouting at everyone.
  • (C) Maintaining equanimity during a crisis is a sign of strong leadership.
  • (D) They showed their equanimity by reacting with extreme anger.

正解: (C) Maintaining equanimity during a crisis is a sign of strong leadership.

「equanimity」を正しく使っている文は (C) です。「危機の際に平静を保つことは、強力なリーダーシップの証です」という意味です。他の選択肢は文脈上不適切です。

問題 4: Identify the part of speech:

The word “equanimity” is a:

  • (A) noun
  • (B) verb
  • (C) adjective
  • (D) adverb

正解: (A) noun


問題 5: Correct the following sentence:

The leader’s equanimity were key to navigating the team through difficult times.

  • (A) The leader’s equanimity was key to navigating the team through difficult times.
  • (B) The leader’s equanimity were key to navigate the team through difficult times.
  • (C) The leader’s equanimity are key to navigating the team through difficult times.
  • (D) The leader’s equanimity is key for navigate the team through difficult times.

正解: (A) The leader’s equanimity was key to navigating the team through difficult times.

「equanimity」は単数名詞であるため、「was」が正しいです。また、「to navigating」という形が正しいので、(A) が正解です。他の選択肢は文法的に間違っています。