【jaunt お出かけ、短い旅行】という単語の語源とか由来を知っていますか?
The word “jaunt” dates back to the 16th century, initially used to mean “to walk for a long time until tired” or “to ride a horse briskly.” This usage evolved to refer to people traveling short distances for pleasure or diversion. Etymologically, it likely derives from the Middle French “jolter” (to jolt), which in turn comes from the Old Norse “joltra” (to shake). Over time, “jaunt” has come to signify a short but enjoyable trip or excursion, and in contemporary English, it denotes a light-hearted walk or brief journey, embodying a positive nuance.
- Excursion: 小旅行、遠足。特定の目的で行われる短期間の旅行。
- Outing: 外出、遠足。楽しみや娯楽のための短い旅行。
- Trip: 旅行。一般的に、ある場所から別の場所への移動を含むが、短いものを指す場合もある。
- Expedition: 探検旅行。特定の目的を持って行われるが、jauntよりも長くて冒険的な旅を指すこともある。
- Tour: ツアー。観光目的の旅行で、短期間から長期間までさまざま。
- Staycation: 自宅で過ごす休暇。旅行に出かけるのではなく、自宅や近郊で休暇を楽しむ。
- Homestay: 自宅滞在。外出せずに家で過ごすこと。
- Seclusion: 隔離、引きこもり。外界との接触を避け、一人または限られた空間で過ごすこと。
- Journey: 「旅」を意味し、一般的には「jaunt」よりも長距離または長期間を暗示します。「Journey」はしばしば比喩的にも使用され、人生の旅や精神的な探求を表すことがあります。
- Voyage: 主に海や宇宙を航海する長期間の旅を指します。この単語は「jaunt」よりも冒険的で長い旅を暗示しており、日常的なお出かけや短い旅行とは異なります。
- Excursion: 「Jaunt」と非常に似ていて、遠足や小旅行を意味しますが、しばしば教育的な目的や特定の活動を伴う旅行に使われることがあります。
- Tour: 一連の旅行スポットを訪れる旅行を指し、しばしば観光や特定の目的(例えば、コンサートツアー)が含まれます。「Jaunt」と比べて計画的で、一つ以上の目的地を含むことが多いです。
There aren’t specific episodes or historical events directly associated with the word “jaunt” in the context of general knowledge. However, the term is often used in literature, movies, and everyday conversation to describe scenarios where individuals temporarily step away from their daily routines to embark on short adventures or discoveries.
For instance, in literature, “jaunt” might be employed to depict a character taking a brief trip to escape the mundane, seeking self-discovery or new experiences. Such journeys can sometimes serve as a catalyst for character development or pivotal moments in the narrative.
Travelogues and essays may use “jaunt” to share the author’s observations on the culture and scenery of the places visited, offering readers insights into the charm and characteristics of those regions.
In movies and TV shows, a “jaunt” can be portrayed as a short trip that initiates or deepens bonds between characters. It captures moments where friendships or romances blossom, or where relationships are strengthened through overcoming challenges together.
These episodes and portrayals indicate that “jaunt” transcends mere physical movement from one place to another, embodying the value of life’s little adventures, journeys of self-discovery, or experiences that enrich human connections.
Let’s go on a jaunt to the beach this weekend.
They took a jaunt through the picturesque countryside.
We went on a jaunt to the amusement park and had a fantastic time.
The group of friends planned a jaunt to explore the historic city.
After a long week of work, I decided to take a jaunt to the nearby café to relax.
【jaunt お出かけ、短い旅行】のコロケーション
- Weekend jaunt (週末のお出かけ): 週末に行う短期間の旅行や散歩を指します。気軽に近場を探索するのに使われることが多いです。
- Quick jaunt (手早いお出かけ): 短時間で行ける場所への簡単な旅行を意味します。日帰りで楽しめるような目的地への軽い散歩や訪問に使われます。
- Morning jaunt (朝の散歩): 朝の時間帯に行う短い散歩やお出かけを指します。新鮮な空気を吸いながら、一日の始まりを活動的に過ごすことを意味します。
- Leisurely jaunt (のんびりとしたお出かけ): 時間を気にせず、リラックスしながら楽しむ短い旅行や散歩を表します。日常の忙しさから離れて、ゆったりとした時間を過ごすことに焦点を当てています。
- Scenic jaunt (景色の良いお出かけ): 自然の美しさや特別な景観を楽しむための短い旅行を意味します。美しい風景を求めて、少し足を伸ばすことが目的です。
The term “jaunt” refers to short trips or outings that offer a brief escape from daily life, capturing moments of light-hearted adventure or discovery. This word is commonly used in collocations such as “weekend jaunt” or “quick jaunt,” implying short walks or travels to nearby destinations that can be enjoyed within a day. It also suggests opportunities for active starts to the day with “morning jaunts,” encouraging taking in fresh air and engaging in activity from the day’s onset.
“Leisurely jaunt” points to strolls or trips where time is not of the essence, focusing on relaxing and enjoying time away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Meanwhile, “scenic jaunt” denotes short travels undertaken to appreciate beautiful landscapes or special scenic views, emphasizing outings aimed at experiencing nature’s beauty or unique vistas.
Through these collocations, “jaunt” highlights experiences of easy and positive travel that can be seamlessly integrated into life. It serves as a word that facilitates finding small escapes or discoveries within our routine, becoming a valuable term for identifying opportunities for light, positive travel experiences amidst our daily lives.
問題 1: Fill in the blank:
After finishing their exams, the students decided to take a quick __ to the nearby beach.
- (A) work
- (B) jaunt
- (C) stay
- (D) labor
正解: (B) jaunt
この文は「試験が終わった後、学生たちは近くのビーチへ短い旅行に行くことに決めた」という意味です。「jaunt」は「短い旅行、お出かけ」を意味するため、文脈に最も適しています。他の選択肢(work: 仕事、stay: 滞在、labor: 労働)は文脈に合いません。
問題 2: Choose the correct form of the word:
She __ to the countryside to relax and enjoy the scenery for a day.
- (A) jaunt
- (B) jaunts
- (C) jaunted
- (D) jaunting
正解: (C) jaunted
この文は「彼女は一日リラックスして景色を楽しむために田舎へ短い旅行をした」という意味です。過去形の「jaunted」が適切です。他の選択肢(jaunt: 動詞の原形、jaunts: 現在形、jaunting: 現在分詞)は文法的に不適切です。
問題 3: Select the sentence that uses the word correctly:
- (A) The jaunt to the office was exhausting and long.
- (B) He planned a quick jaunt to the city to visit the museum.
- (C) The jaunt of the car was impressive in the race.
- (D) She found the jaunt quite boring and tedious.
正解: (B) He planned a quick jaunt to the city to visit the museum.
- (A) 「オフィスへのjaunt」は短い旅行としては不自然です。
- (C) 「車のjaunt」は文脈上不自然です。
- (D) 「退屈で退屈なjaunt」は意味が矛盾しています。
問題 4: Identify the part of speech:
The word “jaunt” in the sentence “We went on a delightful jaunt to the countryside” is a:
- (A) noun
- (B) verb
- (C) adjective
- (D) adverb
正解: (A) noun
問題 5: Correct the following sentence:
They decided to jaunt through the town to explore its historical sites.
- (A) They decided to jaunts through the town to explore its historical sites.
- (B) They decided to jaunt through the town to explored its historical sites.
- (C) They decided to jaunting through the town to explore its historical sites.
- (D) They decided to jaunt through the town to explore its historical sites.
正解: (D) They decided to jaunt through the town to explore its historical sites.
この文は「彼らは町を通り抜けてその歴史的な場所を探索することに決めた」という意味で、「decided to」の後には動詞の原形が続く必要があります。「jaunt」が正しい形です。他の選択肢は文法的に不適切です。