You are a customs officer at an international airport. Read the following conversation and answer the question.

Customs Officer: Good afternoon. May I see your passport, please?
Passenger: Sure, here you go.
Customs Officer: Thank you. How long will you be staying in the country?
Passenger: I’ll be here for two weeks on vacation.
Customs Officer: Are you carrying any items that you need to declare?
Passenger: No, I don’t have anything to declare.
Customs Officer: Alright, enjoy your stay in the country.

What is the purpose of the conversation?

(A) Checking the passenger’s passport.
(B) Inquiring about the passenger’s length of stay.
(C) Asking if the passenger has any items to declare.
(D) Wishing the passenger a pleasant stay.


税関職員: こんにちは。パスポートを見せていただけますか?
乗客: もちろん、どうぞ。
税関職員: ありがとうございます。国内での滞在期間はどのくらいですか?
乗客: 休暇で2週間こちらに滞在します。
税関職員: 申告する必要のある品物はお持ちですか?
乗客: いいえ、申告するものは何もありません。
税関職員: わかりました、滞在を楽しんでください。


解答: (C) Asking if the passenger has any items to declare.


(A) パスポートの確認
(B) 滞在期間の尋問
(C) 申告する品物の有無の確認
(D) 滞在の楽しみを祈る




The main purpose of this conversation is to ensure the proper processing of a passenger entering the country at an international airport. The conversation begins with a passport check, followed by inquiries about the length of stay and whether there are any items to declare, and concludes with a wish for the passenger to enjoy their stay.

Looking at the options in detail, each point refers to a part of the conversation, but it is necessary to find a purpose that encompasses all of them. Here, it is crucial that the customs officer is checking through these questions whether the passenger meets the basic requirements for entering the country. This includes checking the passport, duration of stay, and whether there are items to declare.

Therefore, the most comprehensive and overall purpose indicated is (C) “Asking if the passenger has any items to declare.” This is because this question is the most important from a safety and security perspective and is part of the basic duties of a customs officer.

You are a customs officer at an airport. Read the following conversation and answer the question.

Passenger: Excuse me, officer. I have nothing to declare.
Customs Officer: Thank you for your cooperation. As part of our routine procedure, we may randomly ____ for inspection.
Passenger: Sure, go ahead. I have nothing to hide.

What is the missing phrase to complete the conversation?

(A) confiscate the luggage
(B) arrest suspicious individuals
(C) question the passengers
(D) select bags for x-ray screening


乗客: すみません、職員の方。申告するものは何もありません。
税関職員: ご協力ありがとうございます。当局の定例手続きの一環として、私たちはランダムに__することがあります。
乗客: もちろん、どうぞ。隠すものは何もありません。


解答: (D) select bags for x-ray screening

(A) confiscate the luggage(荷物を没収する)
(B) arrest suspicious individuals(怪しい人物を逮捕する)
(C) question the passengers(乗客に質問する)
(D) select bags for x-ray screening(バッグをX線検査のために選ぶ)


最も妥当な選択肢は(D)「select bags for x-ray screening」です。これは、空港で一般的に行われる標準的なセキュリティ手続きであり、ランダムに荷物を選んでX線検査を行うことは乗客の安全を確保する上で重要な手段です。この手続きは迅速であり、乗客に大きな不便をかけることなく行えるため、定例手続きの一環として最も適しています。

What should be considered here is the actions that the customs officer might randomly carry out, in a way that respects the passengers’ rights while ensuring security. Options (A) and (B) suggest a more forceful intervention, which is usually not carried out unless there is a specific suspicion or reason. Option (C) could be considered, but it makes little sense to question the passengers further since they have already stated they have “nothing to declare.”

The most reasonable choice is (D) “select bags for x-ray screening.” This is a standard security procedure commonly conducted at airports, where randomly selecting bags for X-ray screening is an important measure for ensuring passenger safety. This procedure is quick and does not significantly inconvenience passengers, making it highly suitable as part of routine procedures.