You are a loan officer at a bank. A customer is reviewing the terms and conditions of a loan agreement and asks, “What does this 【  】 mean?” The customer points to a specific section of the agreement. You explain that the 【  】 outlines a specific requirement or condition that both parties must adhere to throughout the loan term.

Which word correctly fills the blank?

a) signature(署名)
b) headline(見出し)
c) clause(条項)
d) illustration(図解)

あなたは銀行のローン担当者です。顧客がローン契約の条件を見直していて、「この【  】は何を意味していますか?」と質問します。顧客は契約書の特定の部分を指しています。あなたは、その【  】がローン期間中に両当事者が遵守しなければならない特定の要件や条件を示していると説明します。


解答: c) clause



Option a, “signature,” refers to the part of the contract where parties sign, which is not intended to explain specific requirements or conditions. Option b, “headline,” refers to the title of sections or chapters in the document, and is not used to detail specific requirements or conditions. Option d, “illustration,” refers to diagrams or charts, which provide visual information rather than textual explanation.

On the other hand, option c, “clause,” refers to a specific section or condition within the contract, and this section details specific rules and conditions that both parties must adhere to during the term of the loan. This matches the part the customer pointed out and is the correct answer in the context of the question.

You are a customer service representative at a financial institution. A customer calls to inquire about a particular 【  】 in their investment agreement. They are seeking clarification on how it impacts their rights as an investor. You provide them with a detailed explanation, highlighting the specific 【  】 that addresses their concerns.

Which word correctly fills the blank?

a) provision(規定)
b) appendix(付録)
c) term(期間)
d) illustration(図解)

あなたは金融機関のカスタマーサービス担当者です。顧客が投資契約の特定の【  】について問い合わせを行い、それが投資家としての彼らの権利にどのように影響するかについての説明を求めています。あなたはその懸念に対処する具体的な【  】について詳細な説明を提供します。


解説: 顧客が問い合わせているのは、彼らの投資家としての権利に影響を与える契約の具体的な部分です。この文脈で最も適切な選択肢を見つけるために、各選択肢がどのような意味を持つかを考える必要があります。





したがって、正解はa) provision(規定)です。この選択肢が投資契約内で顧客の権利に影響を与える具体的な規定や条件を説明するのに最も適しているため、顧客の問題に対する正確な答えを提供します。

Explanation: The customer is inquiring about a specific part of their investment agreement that affects their rights as an investor. To find the most appropriate choice in this context, it is necessary to understand what each option means.

Option a, “provision,” refers to specific conditions or rules established in a contract or legal document. This is directly related to the customer’s question and likely addresses the specific part of the contract that impacts their rights.

Option b, “appendix,” generally refers to a part of the document that contains supplementary information. It usually does not explain the main provisions or conditions and may not directly address the customer’s immediate issue.

Option c, “term,” translates to “period” and primarily refers to temporal conditions, which is different from the provisions related to the rights the customer is asking about.

Option d, “illustration,” means a visual explanation, which is not suitable for explaining specific wording in a legal document.

Therefore, the correct answer is a) provision. This option is most suitable for explaining the specific provisions and conditions in the investment agreement that affect the customer’s rights, thus providing an accurate answer to the customer’s question.