
Choose the word that best completes the sentence.
The company will 【   】 the cost of the business trip from the employee’s salary.

(A) deduct
(B) added
(C) deducting
(D) is deducted

会社は従業員の給与から出張の費用を【   】します。

正しい答えは (A) deduct です。

(A) deduct(差し引く)
(B) added(加えられる)
(C) deducting(差し引かれる)
(D) is deducted(差し引かれる)


  • (A) deduct:この選択肢は動詞の基本形であり、文脈上「会社が〜する」という主語に合致する唯一の形式です。これは給与から特定の費用を差し引く行為を意味し、文法的にも意味的にも正しい選択肢です。
  • (B) added:これは受動態の過去分詞形であり、この文では文法的に不適切です。また、「加える」という意味は、給与から費用を差し引くという文脈に合っていません。
  • (C) deducting:これは動詞の現在分詞形で、この文の主語に適切に続く形ではありません。動詞の基本形が必要です。
  • (D) is deducted:これも受動態ですが、文の構造上、主語である「The company」に対して受動態を使用することは適切ではありません。「会社が〜する」という能動的な行為を表す必要があります。

Explanation of the choices:

(A) deduct: This option is the base form of the verb, which is the only form that fits with the subject “The company will” in the context. It refers to the action of subtracting specific expenses from an employee’s salary, making it both grammatically and semantically correct.
(B) added: This is the past participle form used in the passive voice, which is grammatically inappropriate for this sentence. Moreover, “added” implies adding expenses to the salary, which does not match the context of subtracting expenses from it.
(C) deducting: This is the present participle form of the verb, which does not follow the subject appropriately in this sentence. The base form of the verb is needed.
(D) is deducted: Although this is also in the passive voice, using the passive form does not fit structurally since the subject “The company” should perform an active action. The sentence needs to express an active action by the company.


Choose the sentence that correctly uses the word “deduct.”

(A) The company decided to deduct the cost of the broken equipment from the department’s budget.
(B) The company will deduct more funds for marketing strategies next quarter.
(C) We should deduct more funds to complete the project faster.
(D) The company plans to deduct its growth by expanding into new markets.

(A) 会社は部署の予算から壊れた機器の費用を差し引くことに決めました。
(B) 会社は来四半期にマーケティング戦略のためにさらに多くの資金を差し引く予定です。
(C) プロジェクトを早く完了するためにもっと多くの資金を差し引くべきです。
(D) 会社は新しい市場への拡大によって成長を差し引く計画を立てています。

正解: (A) The company decided to deduct the cost of the broken equipment from the department’s budget.



選択肢(B)「will deduct more funds for marketing strategies next quarter」は、「deduct」の用法としては誤解を招きます。文脈的には「マーケティング戦略のためにより多くの資金を引く」という意味になりますが、実際には「allocate」などの単語を使うべきです。

選択肢(C)「We should deduct more funds to complete the project faster」は「deduct」の用法が不適切です。ここでは資金を引くというよりも「allocate」または「invest」などの用語が適切です。

選択肢(D)「plans to deduct its growth」は、「成長を差し引く」という不適切な文脈で使われています。「deduct」は特定の金銭やリソースの削減に使われるべきであり、成長の文脈で使うと誤解を招きます。

したがって、正しい文は(A)の「The company decided to deduct the cost of the broken equipment from the department’s budget」です。


The word “deduct” means “to subtract.” The correct choice (A) describes a situation where the company deducts the cost of broken equipment from the department’s budget, which accurately reflects the meaning of this word.

Option (B) “will deduct more funds for marketing strategies next quarter” is misleading in its use of “deduct.” Contextually, it suggests “subtracting more funds for marketing strategies,” but “allocate” or similar terms would be more appropriate.

Option (C) “We should deduct more funds to complete the project faster” also uses “deduct” incorrectly. In this context, terms like “allocate” or “invest” are more suitable.

Option (D) “plans to deduct its growth” is an incorrect use of the word. “Deduct” is more suitable for describing the reduction of specific money or resources, and its use here in the context of growth is misleading.

Thus, the correct sentence is (A) “The company decided to deduct the cost of the broken equipment from the department’s budget.”