問題1: Choose the correct definition of the word “【homonym】.”

(A) A word that has multiple meanings.
(B) A word that sounds the same as another word but has a different meaning.
(C) A word that is difficult to pronounce.
(D) A word that is spelled the same as another word but has a different meaning.

解答: (B) A word that sounds the same as another word but has a different meaning.


(A) 複数の意味を持つ言葉。
(B) 他の単語と同じように聞こえるが、意味が異なる単語。
(C) 発音が難しい言葉。
(D) 意味が異なるが、他の言葉と同じように綴られる言葉。



Homonyms are words that sound the same but have different meanings. Based on this definition, option (A) “A word that has multiple meanings” refers to polysemy, not homonyms, and is not the correct answer. Option (C) “A word that is difficult to pronounce” has no relevance to this context. Option (D) “A word that is spelled the same as another word but has a different meaning” refers to homographs, not homonyms, and is also not the correct answer.

The correct answer is (B) “A word that sounds the same as another word but has a different meaning.” This option precisely fits the definition of homonyms, referring to words like “bear” (the animal) and “bare” (exposed), which are pronounced the same way but have different meanings.

Choose the sentence that correctly demonstrates the concept of a “homonym.”

(A) Despite its name, a “pineapple” does not come from pine trees or apples.
(B) The word “lead” can refer to a metal or to go in front, depending on the context.
(C) The term “notebook” is used exclusively for recording notes and not for other types of books.
(D) “Watch” refers to observing something carefully and has no other meanings.


(A) 名前にもかかわらず、「パイナップル」は松の木やリンゴから来ているわけではありません。
(B) 文脈によって、「lead」は金属を指したり、先頭に立つことを指したりします。
(C) 「notebook」という用語は、ノートを取るためにのみ使われ、他の種類の本には使われません。
(D) 「Watch」は注意深く何かを観察することを指し、他の意味はありません。

正解: (B) The word “lead” can refer to a metal or to go in front, depending on the context.



  • 選択肢(A)「pineapple(パイナップル)」は、同音異義語ではなく、単に誤解を招きやすい名称です。
  • 選択肢(B)「lead」は完璧な例で、「鉛(金属)」と「先導する」という二つの意味を持つ同音異義語です。
  • 選択肢(C)「notebook」は特定の意味を持つ普通名詞であり、同音異義語ではありません。
  • 選択肢(D)「watch」も複数の意味を持つ可能性がありますが、「時計」と「見る」という異なる意味で用いられるため、この場合は正解ではありません。同音異義語というよりは、多義語(同じスペリングで複数の意味がある言葉)に該当します。



In this question, it is necessary to correctly understand and demonstrate the concept of a “homonym,” which refers to words that sound the same but have different meanings.

  • Option (A), “pineapple,” is not a homonym but simply a name that can lead to misunderstanding.
  • Option (B), “lead,” is a perfect example of a homonym as it can mean both the metal and to guide or be in front, depending on the context.
  • Option (C), “notebook,” refers specifically to a type of book and is not a homonym.
  • Option (D), “watch,” can have multiple meanings; however, it is used to mean both a timepiece and the act of observing, making it more of a polyseme (a word with the same spelling and multiple meanings) rather than a homonym in this context.

Therefore, the correct answer is Option (B). This choice most appropriately represents the concept of “homonym.”