Table of Contents


Choose the word that best completes the sentence.

After reading the article, he sat silently to 【   】 its deeper meaning.

(A) understand
(B) ignore
(C) ponder
(D) discuss



解答: (C) ponder

(A) understand(理解する)
(B) ignore(無視する)
(C) ponder(熟考する)
(D) discuss(議論する)


  • (A)「understand」は「理解する」を意味しますが、静かに座っている状況では、単に「理解する」というよりも、もっと深く考え込むニュアンスが求められます。
  • (B)「ignore」は「無視する」を意味し、この文脈には合いません。記事を読んだ後でその内容を無視するとは考えにくいです。
  • (C)「ponder」は「熟考する」または「じっくり考える」という意味で、この文脈にぴったり合います。静かに座って、じっくりと深い意味を考えるというシチュエーションと一致します。
  • (D)「discuss」は「議論する」という意味ですが、他人と話し合うことを示唆しており、一人で静かに座っている状況とは合いません。


Let’s look at each option one by one:

(A) “understand” means to grasp the concept, but in a situation where he is sitting quietly, a nuance of deeper contemplation rather than just understanding is required.
(B) “ignore” means to disregard, which does not fit the context. It is unlikely that he would ignore the content after reading the article.
(C) “ponder” means to contemplate deeply or think thoroughly, which perfectly fits the context. It matches the scenario of sitting quietly and pondering the deeper meaning.
(D) “discuss” means to debate or talk over, which suggests interaction with others and does not suit a situation where he is sitting alone quietly.
Therefore, the most appropriate choice is (C) “ponder.” This word accurately expresses the act of deeply thinking about the content of the article and trying to comprehend its deeper meaning.


Choose the word that has a similar meaning to the underlined word.

He spent hours 【mulling】 over the decision before finally making up his mind.

(A) questioning
(B) avoiding
(C) discussing
(D) pondering


解答: (D) pondering

(A) questioning(質問する、問いただす)
(B) avoiding(避ける)
(C) discussing(議論する)
(D) pondering(熟考する)






Option (A), “questioning,” refers to the act of having doubts or actively asking about something, but it is more suited for situations where specific questions are involved, rather than simply deep thinking.

Option (B), “avoiding,” means to evade, and in this context, it gives the impression of procrastinating the decision-making process, which is different from actively thinking.

Option (C), “discussing,” means to debate and suggests exchanging opinions with others, which is different from solitary introspection.

Option (D), “pondering,” means to think deeply and thoroughly, and it most accurately describes the action he was undertaking before making up his mind in this context.

Therefore, the correct answer is (D) “pondering.” This option accurately depicts the act of him spending hours deeply contemplating before making a decision.