Choose the option that best describes the underlined word.

The company’s success was evident in the form of 【tangible】 results, such as increased revenue and market share.
(A) visible
(B) intangible
(C) uncertain
(D) temporary


選択肢は以下の通りです。 (A) visible(目に見える) (B) intangible(触れられない、無形の) (C) uncertain(不確かな) (D) temporary(一時的な)

選択肢Aの「visible」は、「目に見える」という意味で、「tangible」が持つ「具体的で認識可能な」という意味と非常に近いです。この文脈では、会社の成功が「増加した収益や市場占有率」という形で明確に見える形で現れていると説明しています。したがって、これは「tangible results」を「目に見える結果」と解釈するのに適しています。


よって、正解は(A) visibleです。これにより、「tangible results」とは、目に見える形で明らかになった会社の成功の結果を指していると理解できます。

In this question, you need to choose the option that best describes the meaning of the underlined word “tangible” in the sentence. The word “tangible” typically means “able to be touched” or “concrete,” but in a business context, it is often used to mean “clearly perceptible” or “in a visible form.” Therefore, you must select the most appropriate meaning from the options provided.

The options are as follows:
(A) visible (able to be seen)
(B) intangible (untouchable, immaterial)
(C) uncertain (not sure)
(D) temporary (short-term)

Option (A) “visible” means “able to be seen,” which closely aligns with “tangible” in the sense of being “concrete and perceptible.” In this context, the company’s success is described as appearing in the form of “increased revenue and market share,” clearly visible outcomes. Thus, “visible” is an appropriate interpretation for “tangible results.”

On the other hand, option (B) “intangible” is the exact opposite of “tangible,” option (C) “uncertain” does not match the concrete nature of the success described, and option (D) “temporary” is inappropriate in this context as it implies a short-term effect.

Therefore, the correct answer is (A) visible. This implies that “tangible results” refers to the visible outcomes that clearly demonstrate the company’s success.

Choose the option that best describes the underlined word.

The CEO gave a presentation to the board of directors, providing 【tangible】 evidence of the company’s financial stability.
(A) visible
(B) intangible
(C) uncertain
(D) temporary


選択肢は以下の通りです。 (A) visible(目に見える) (B) intangible(触れられない、無形の) (C) uncertain(不確かな) (D) temporary(一時的な)

この文脈での「tangible evidence」とは、CEOが取締役会に提示した「会社の財務安定性を示す具体的な証拠」を意味します。これは目に見える形で存在し、確かな証明となるものです。



したがって、正解は(A) visibleです。「tangible evidence」は、目に見える形で会社の財務安定性を確かめる証拠を指すことがわかります。

In this question, you need to select the option that best describes the meaning of the underlined word “tangible” in the sentence. The word “tangible” not only means “able to be touched” but also “clear and concrete.” Particularly in a business context, it is often used to describe “evidence that can be clearly recognized.”

The options are as follows:
(A) visible (able to be seen)
(B) intangible (untouchable, immaterial)
(C) uncertain (not sure)
(D) temporary (short-term)

In this context, “tangible evidence” refers to the “concrete evidence of the company’s financial stability” presented by the CEO to the board of directors. This evidence exists in a form that can be visibly seen and provides certain proof.

Option (A) “visible” means “able to be seen,” matching the “tangible” description of evidence that is “concrete and clear.” In this scenario, the tangible evidence clearly demonstrated the company’s financial stability, making “visible” the appropriate choice.

Option (B) “intangible” is the antonym of “tangible” and does not fit the required concreteness in this context. Option (C) “uncertain” also is inappropriate as it suggests a lack of certainty. Option (D) “temporary” implies a short-term nature, which is unsuitable since the evidence sought here demonstrates the enduring financial stability of the company.

Therefore, the correct answer is (A) visible. This shows that “tangible evidence” refers to evidence that can be seen and verifies the company’s financial stability.