Choose the best option to complete the sentence.

The company implemented various measures to 【thwart】 cyberattacks and protect sensitive data.
(A) prevent
(B) enhance
(C) promote
(D) manage


解答: (A) prevent

(A) prevent(防ぐ) (B) enhance(強化する) (C) promote(促進する) (D) manage(管理する)






(A) prevent: Means “to prevent,” which is most suitable for measures that stop cyberattacks and protect sensitive data.

(B) enhance: Means “to strengthen,” suggesting the enhancement of security measures, but the context focuses on stopping the attacks themselves.

(C) promote: Means “to promote,” which has no relation to preventing cyberattacks or protecting data.

(D) manage: Means “to manage,” indicating data management or security measures, but not stopping attacks directly.

Therefore, the correct choice is (A) “prevent.” This option is most appropriate for measures that stop cyberattacks and protect sensitive data.

Choose the option that best describes the underlined word.

The unexpected weather conditions 【thwarted】 our plans for an outdoor event.
(A) encouraged
(B) facilitated
(C) disrupted
(D) advanced


解答: (C) disrupted

(A) encouraged(奨励した): この選択肢は、文脈に合っていません。予期せぬ天候がイベントの計画を阻んでいるため、「奨励した」という意味は反対の意味です。

(B) facilitated(促進した): これもイベントの進行を助ける意味であり、「thwarted(阻んだ)」の意味とは逆です。

(C) disrupted(妨害した): この選択肢は、予期せぬ天候が屋外イベントの計画を阻んだという文脈に最も合っています。イベントの進行を妨害したという意味です。

(D) advanced(進めた): この選択肢も、イベントの進行を助ける意味であり、「thwarted(阻んだ)」とは反対の意味になります。


(A) encouraged: This choice does not fit the context. Since unexpected weather thwarted the event plans, “encouraged” has the opposite meaning.

(B) facilitated: This also means to aid or promote the event’s progress, which is opposite to “thwarted.”

(C) disrupted: This choice is most fitting, as it reflects how unexpected weather thwarted the outdoor event plans, meaning it disrupted their progress.

(D) advanced: This also means to aid the event’s progress, which is the opposite of “thwarted.”

Therefore, the correct answer is (C) “disrupted.” This choice accurately reflects the sentence’s content, showing how unexpected weather disrupted the outdoor event plans.