問題1: You are at a clothing store and notice a sign that says “Buy One, Get One Free: Bound Items Only!” What does the term “bound items” mean in this context?
a) Items that are wrapped or packaged together.
b) Items that are restricted to a certain section of the store.
c) Items that are connected or linked together.
d) Items that are available for a limited time only.

解答: c) Items that are connected or linked together.

解説: 問題のシチュエーションでは、衣料品店で「1つ買うと1つ無料:結びついたアイテムのみ対象」という看板を見ます。ここでの「bound items」は、連結または結びついたアイテムを意味しています。つまり、特定のアイテムを購入すると、それに関連する他のアイテムが無料で提供されるということです。


  • a) Items that are wrapped or packaged together. (一緒に包装されたアイテム):このオプションは正解ではありません。ここでは、「bound items」は単に包装されたアイテムを指すのではなく、関連するアイテムを指しています。
  • b) Items that are restricted to a certain section of the store. (特定の店内エリアに制限されたアイテム):このオプションは正解ではありません。特定のエリアに制限されたアイテムを意味する表現ではなく、関連性のあるアイテムを指しています。
  • d) Items that are available for a limited time only. (期間限定で利用可能なアイテム):このオプションは正解ではありません。看板には「Buy One, Get One Free」と明記されており、アイテムが期間限定で提供されるという意味ではありません。また、「bound items」の意味とも関連性がありません。

Answer: c) Items that are connected or linked together.

Explanation: In the scenario, you see a sign at a clothing store that says “Buy One, Get One Free: Bound Items Only.” Here, “bound items” refer to items that are connected or linked together. This means that when you purchase a specific item, other associated items are provided for free.

Option explanations:

a) Items that are wrapped or packaged together: This option is incorrect. “Bound items” here doesn’t simply refer to items that are packaged together but rather to items that are related to each other.

b) Items that are restricted to a certain section of the store: This option is incorrect. It doesn’t refer to items restricted to a specific section of the store but rather to items that are connected or linked.

d) Items that are available for a limited time only: This option is incorrect. The sign specifies “Buy One, Get One Free,” indicating a promotion where items are offered for free, not for a limited time. Additionally, it doesn’t relate to the meaning of “bound items.”

問題2: You are at a bookstore looking for a specific book. The storekeeper tells you that the book you’re looking for is currently out of stock, but they have a similar book that is “bound” to it. What does the term “bound” imply in this context?
a) The similar book is a completely different genre.
b) The similar book is a different edition or version of the book.
c) The similar book is a companion guide or supplementary material.
d) The similar book is a more popular and highly recommended choice.


解答: b) The similar book is a different edition or version of the book.

解説: 問題のシチュエーションでは、本屋で特定の本を探しています。店員から、探している本は現在在庫切れであるが、それに「bound」な似た本があると伝えられます。ここでの「bound」は、本の別の版やバージョンを意味しています。したがって、オプションbの「似た本は別の版やバージョンである」という意味が正解です。


  • a) The similar book is a completely different genre. (似た本は完全に異なるジャンルである):このオプションは正解ではありません。問題文では、「bound」という言葉が使用されており、ジャンルの異なる本を示しているわけではありません。
  • c) The similar book is a companion guide or supplementary material. (似た本は補足ガイドや補完資料である):このオプションは正解ではありません。問題文では、「bound」という言葉が使用されており、補足ガイドや補完資料に関する情報は提供されていません。
  • d) The similar book is a more popular and highly recommended choice. (似た本はより人気で高く推奨される選択肢である):このオプションは正解ではありません。問題文では、「bound」という言葉が使用されており、人気や推奨に関する情報は提供されていません。

Answer: b) The similar book is a different edition or version of the book.

Explanation: In the scenario, you are searching for a specific book at a bookstore. The staff informs you that the book you’re looking for is currently out of stock but there is a similar book that is “bound” to it. Here, “bound” means a different edition or version of the book. Therefore, option b, which states that “the similar book is a different edition or version,” is the correct answer.

Option explanations:

a) The similar book is a completely different genre: This option is incorrect. The use of the word “bound” in the scenario doesn’t imply a completely different genre but rather a different edition or version of the book.

c) The similar book is a companion guide or supplementary material: This option is incorrect. The scenario doesn’t provide information suggesting that the similar book is a companion guide or supplementary material. It specifically mentions a “bound” book, implying a different edition or version.

d) The similar book is a more popular and highly recommended choice: This option is incorrect. The scenario doesn’t provide information indicating that the similar book is more popular or highly recommended. It focuses on the fact that the similar book is “bound” to the one you’re looking for, suggesting a different edition or version.