問題1: During a business conference, one of the participants presents a new marketing strategy. Another participant raises their hand and asks a critical question about the potential risks and challenges associated with the proposed strategy. What is the purpose of the critical question?

a) To praise the presenter’s efforts.
b) To seek clarification on the strategy.
c) To challenge the presenter’s ideas.
d) To offer support for the proposed strategy.

解答: c) To challenge the presenter’s ideas.

解説: シチュエーションでは、ビジネス会議中に参加者の一人が新しいマーケティング戦略を発表します。他の参加者が手を挙げ、提案された戦略に関連する潜在的なリスクや課題について批判的な質問をします。この批判的な質問の目的は、発表者のアイデアに疑問を投げかけることです。批判的な視点からの質問は、戦略の妥当性や実行可能性を検証するために行われるものです。


  • a) To praise the presenter’s efforts. (発表者の取り組みを賞賛するため):このオプションは正解ではありません。批判的な質問は、賞賛ではなく発表者のアイデアに対して疑問を投げかけるために行われます。
  • b) To seek clarification on the strategy. (戦略についての明確化を求めるため):このオプションは正解ではありません。批判的な質問は、戦略に対する疑問や批判を示すために行われます。明確化を求めるための質問ではありません。
  • d) To offer support for the proposed strategy. (提案された戦略を支持するため):このオプションは正解ではありません。批判的な質問は、戦略の妥当性や実行可能性を検証するために行われます。支持を示すための質問ではありません。

Answer: c) To challenge the presenter’s ideas.

Explanation: In the scenario, during a business meeting, one of the participants presents a new marketing strategy. Other participants raise their hands and ask critical questions regarding potential risks and challenges associated with the proposed strategy. The purpose of these critical questions is to challenge the presenter’s ideas. Questions from a critical perspective are conducted to verify the validity and feasibility of the strategy.

Option explanations:

a) To praise the presenter’s efforts: This option is incorrect. Critical questions are asked not to praise but to question the presenter’s ideas.

b) To seek clarification on the strategy: This option is incorrect. Critical questions are asked to express doubts or criticisms about the strategy, not to seek clarification.

d) To offer support for the proposed strategy: This option is incorrect. Critical questions are asked to verify the validity and feasibility of the strategy, not to offer support.

問題2: During a business seminar, the speaker discusses the importance of effective communication in the workplace. They emphasize the need for clear and concise messages to avoid misunderstandings. Which of the following statements best summarizes the speaker’s point?

a) Communication in the workplace should be avoided to prevent misunderstandings.
b) Clear and concise messages are unnecessary in the workplace.
c) Effective communication is vital for preventing misunderstandings in the workplace.
d) The workplace does not require any form of communication.

解答: c) Effective communication is vital for preventing misunderstandings in the workplace.

解説: シチュエーションでは、ビジネスセミナー中に講演者が職場における効果的なコミュニケーションの重要性について説明しています。彼らは誤解を避けるために明確かつ簡潔なメッセージの必要性を強調しています。講演者のポイントを最もよくまとめた文は、「効果的なコミュニケーションは職場での誤解を防ぐために不可欠です」となります。


  • a) Communication in the workplace should be avoided to prevent misunderstandings. (職場でのコミュニケーションは誤解を防ぐために避けるべきです):このオプションは正解ではありません。シチュエーションでは逆に、効果的なコミュニケーションの重要性が強調されています。
  • b) Clear and concise messages are unnecessary in the workplace. (職場では明確かつ簡潔なメッセージは不要です):このオプションは正解ではありません。シチュエーションでは明確かつ簡潔なメッセージの重要性が強調されています。
  • d) The workplace does not require any form of communication. (職場にはコミュニケーションの形態は必要ありません):このオプションは正解ではありません。シチュエーションでは、効果的なコミュニケーションの重要性が強調されています。

Answer: c) Effective communication is vital for preventing misunderstandings in the workplace.

Explanation: In the scenario, during a business seminar, the speaker is explaining the importance of effective communication in the workplace. They emphasize the need for clear and concise messages to avoid misunderstandings. The statement that best summarizes the speaker’s point is, “Effective communication is vital for preventing misunderstandings in the workplace.”

Option explanations:

a) Communication in the workplace should be avoided to prevent misunderstandings: This option is incorrect. In the scenario, the importance of effective communication is emphasized, rather than avoiding communication altogether.

b) Clear and concise messages are unnecessary in the workplace: This option is incorrect. In the scenario, the importance of clear and concise messages is highlighted, not deemed unnecessary.

d) The workplace does not require any form of communication: This option is incorrect. The scenario emphasizes the importance of effective communication in the workplace.