【inaugural – 就任の、開始の】


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【inaugural – 就任の、開始の】という単語の語源とか由来を知っていますか?


時間が経つにつれて、”inaugural”はより広い意味で使用されるようになり、「就任の」や「開始の」という意味で一般的に使われるようになりました。例えば、大統領の就任演説を”inaugural address”(就任演説)と言ったり、あるイベントの最初の開催を”inaugural event”(開幕式)と表現するなど、新たな始まりや就任に関連する様々な文脈で用いられています。

The word “inaugural” originates from the Latin “inaugurare,” which means “to consecrate by augury” or “to install into office,” a term used in ancient Roman rituals. During these rituals, priests would observe the flight patterns of birds to interpret the will of the gods, determining whether a particular individual’s assumption of public office or the construction of a new building was divinely sanctioned. Thus, “inaugural” was originally used to denote something that was sanctioned as sacred or marking a beginning.

Over time, the use of “inaugural” expanded to a broader meaning and became commonly used to denote “pertaining to an inauguration” or “marking the beginning” of something. For example, a president’s inaugural address refers to the speech given upon taking office, and the first occurrence of an event may be described as the “inaugural event,” indicating its role in various contexts related to new beginnings or installations into office.



  1. Initial – 初期の
  2. Commencement – 開始
  3. Introductory – 導入の
  4. Opening – 開会の
  5. Debut – デビュー
  6. First – 最初の
  7. Inceptive – 始まりの
  8. Kickoff – 開始
  9. Launch – 開始
  10. Founding – 創設の


  1. Final – 最終の
  2. Closing – 閉会の
  3. Conclusion – 結論
  4. End – 終わり
  5. Termination – 終了
  6. Completion – 完了
  7. Culmination – 頂点
  8. Finale – フィナーレ
  9. Concluding – 締めくくりの
  10. Last – 最後の


  1. Initial:
    • “Initial”は「最初の」や「初期の」という意味で、あるプロセスやシリーズの最初を指します。”Inaugural”と似ていますが、”initial”は一般的に連続するものの最初を示し、特定の就任や公式な開始行事に限定されません。
  2. Introductory:
    • “Introductory”は「導入の」という意味で、何かを紹介または導入する際に使われます。”Inaugural”が特定の開始イベントや就任を指すのに対し、”introductory”はより広範な導入の文脈で使用されることがあります。
  3. Commencement:
    • “Commencement”は「開始」という意味ですが、特に卒業式などの正式な開始イベントを指すことが多いです。”Inaugural”とは異なり、”commencement”は特定の文脈、特に教育の文脈で用いられます。


「inaugural」にまつわるエピソードとしては、アメリカ合衆国大統領の就任式が挙げられます。アメリカの大統領は就任後、大統領職に就く最初の演説を行います。この演説は「Inaugural Address(就任演説)」と呼ばれ、新たな任期の始まりを象徴します。




An episode associated with “inaugural” is the inauguration ceremony of the President of the United States. After taking office, the President delivers their first speech in the role, known as the “Inaugural Address,” symbolizing the beginning of a new term.

The inauguration ceremony of the American President is known as a solemn ritual, attracting large crowds and drawing attention as a historic moment. It serves as a platform for the newly elected President to deliver the inaugural speech, outlining the policies and vision of their administration.

Additionally, various events and parades are also held during the inauguration ceremony. These events represent national unity and celebration, symbolizing the beginning of a new era.

“Inaugural” is a word that carries the meaning of taking office or starting something, especially used in the context of political events or ceremonies.


  1. The president delivered an inspiring inaugural speech that outlined his vision for the future.
  2. The inaugural ceremony marked the beginning of a new era for the company.
  3. The team’s inaugural match ended in a thrilling victory.
  4. The inaugural issue of the magazine received widespread acclaim from readers.
  5. The inaugural flight of the new airline route was celebrated with a special event at the airport.

【inaugural – 就任の、開始の】のコロケーション

  1. Inaugural address – 就任演説
    • 新たに就任した公職者、特に大統領や首相などが、職務を開始する際に行う公式の演説です。新しい任期の方針やビジョンを示す重要な機会とされます。
  2. Inaugural ceremony – 就任式
    • 公職に就く人のための式典で、正式に職務を開始することを祝う儀式です。しばしば、厳粛な雰囲気の中で行われます。
  3. Inaugural event – 開幕イベント
    • 何らかの新しいプロジェクトや施設、イベントの最初の開催を指します。新しい始まりを祝う目的で開催されることが多いです。
  4. Inaugural lecture – 就任講演
    • 大学の教授が就任した際に行う講演で、その分野の専門知識や今後の研究方針などを紹介します。
  5. Inaugural flight – 初便
    • 航空会社が新しい路線を開設した際の最初のフライトを指します。新しいサービスの開始を象徴するイベントとして注目されます。

“Inaugural”(就任の、開始の)という単語は、新たな始まりや就任を象徴するイベントや活動を指す際に使用される表現です。この単語を含む一般的なコロケーションには、就任演説(Inaugural address)、就任式(Inaugural ceremony)、開幕イベント(Inaugural event)、就任講演(Inaugural lecture)、そして初便(Inaugural flight)があります。



The term “inaugural” is used to denote events or activities that symbolize a new beginning or inauguration. Common collocations with this word include inaugural address, inaugural ceremony, inaugural event, inaugural lecture, and inaugural flight.

An inaugural address is an official speech delivered by someone who has just entered a public office, particularly at the start of their term, serving as an opportunity to present policies and visions for the new term. An inaugural ceremony is a formal ritual celebrating the official start of duties by someone entering a public office, marking the occasion with solemnity. An inaugural event refers to the first occurrence of a new project, facility, or event, signifying a celebration of a new start. An inaugural lecture is typically given by a university professor upon their appointment, where they introduce their field of expertise and future research directions. The inaugural flight denotes the first flight by an airline when opening a new route, highlighting the launch of a new service.

These collocations illustrate how “inaugural” is utilized across various contexts to express the beginning of a new chapter, a change in leadership, the introduction of new services, and more. Each term signifies that the commencement or inauguration is officially recognized and often celebrated through ceremonies or special events, using “inaugural” to convey the dawn of a new era or the anticipation that accompanies it.

“Under the Inaugural Skies: A Festival of New Hope” – 開幕の空の下:新しい希望のフェスティバル

In the small town of Willow Creek, the inaugural event of the annual Flower Festival was more than just a celebration; it was a symbol of new beginnings. After years of hardship, the town had finally come together to revive their most cherished tradition.


For Mayor Johnson, delivering the inaugural speech at the festival was a moment of pride. He spoke of resilience, community, and the blossoming future that lay ahead.


The festival’s inaugural parade was led by the town’s oldest resident, Mrs. Thompson, who had witnessed the event’s transformation over the decades. Her presence was a testament to the enduring spirit of Willow Creek.


In his inaugural performance at the festival, young musician Alex unveiled a song he had written about the town’s journey, capturing the hearts of everyone present. It was a moment where past hardships were acknowledged, and the hope for renewal was celebrated.


As the inaugural Flower Festival in years came to a close, the fireworks that lit up the night sky were a dazzling declaration that Willow Creek was not just surviving, but thriving. It was an inaugural celebration of resilience, a prelude to many more beginnings.
