【Deficit – 赤字】という単語の語源とか由来を知っていますか?
The word “deficit” originates from the Latin term “deficit,” which derives from the verb “deficere,” meaning “to lack” or “to be insufficient.” “Deficere” itself is a combination of “de-” (down, away) and “facere” (to do, to make), conveying a sense of “failing” or “being deficient.” This etymology leads to the modern meaning of “deficit” as a condition where something falls short of the expected amount or number, especially in the context of finances or budgets. Therefore, “deficit” has evolved to describe the economic situation where expenditures exceed income over a certain period.
- Shortfall – 不足
- Shortage – 不足
- Loss – 損失
- Gap – ギャップ、差
- Arrears – 未払い、滞納
- Surplus – 黒字、余剰
- Profit – 利益
- Excess – 過剰
- Gain – 利得
- Overage – 余剰、超過
- Debt(債務): “deficit”は特定の期間における収入と支出の差を指しますが、”debt”は借入金額や返済を要する金額を指し、時間を通じて蓄積されることがあります。
- Deflation(デフレーション): 経済全体の物価水準が下がる状態を指します。”deficit”と音が似ていますが、全く異なる経済現象を指します。
- Default(債務不履行): 借金や義務を履行できない状態を指します。”deficit”とは異なり、特に財務的義務を果たせない状況に関連しています。
The government is facing a budget deficit due to increased spending on social programs.
The company’s financial report shows a significant deficit in its balance sheet.
The trade deficit between the two countries has been a cause for concern among economists.
The educational institution is operating at a deficit and needs to find ways to increase revenue.
The team struggled with a deficit of goals, failing to score in the entire match.
【deficit – 赤字】のコロケーション
- Budget deficit – 予算赤字
- 政府や組織の一定期間の予算において、支出が収入を超える状況を指します。これは公共の財政管理において一般的な問題です。
- Trade deficit – 貿易赤字
- ある国が輸出よりも輸入の方が多い場合に生じる赤字。この状況は、国際貿易のバランスに影響を与えます。
- Fiscal deficit – 財政赤字
- 政府の収入(主に税収)がその支出に対して不足している状況。これは長期的な財政政策や経済状況に関連しています。
- Reduce the deficit – 赤字を減らす
- 赤字の額を減少させる行動や政策。これには支出の削減や収入(例えば税収)の増加が含まれることがあります。
- Deficit spending – 赤字財政
- 政府が経済の活性化を目的として、収入を上回る支出を行うこと。この戦略は短期的には経済成長を促進するが、長期的な赤字を増大させる可能性があります。
The term “deficit” is commonly used in the fields of finance and economics to describe a situation where expenditures exceed income over a specific period. This concept is central to discussions around the fiscal challenges and strategies of governments and organizations.
A budget deficit occurs when an organization’s or government’s spending surpasses its revenues within a given budgetary period, highlighting a critical aspect of public financial management. A trade deficit arises when a country imports more than it exports, affecting the balance of international trade. The fiscal deficit refers to a situation where government revenues, mainly from taxes, fall short of its expenditures, impacting the overall economy.
The expression reduce the deficit pertains to efforts and policies aimed at decreasing the gap between spending and income. This can involve cutting expenditures or increasing revenues, such as through higher taxes. On the other hand, deficit spending describes a government strategy of spending beyond its income to stimulate economic growth, which, while potentially boosting economic activity in the short term, carries the risk of increasing long-term fiscal deficits.
These collocations demonstrate how the term “deficit” is used within financial and economic discussions to describe various fiscal challenges faced by governments and organizations, as well as the measures being considered or implemented to address these issues. Effective management and resolution of deficits are crucial for maintaining sustainable financial conditions.
文法問題: “deficit” (赤字)
- 単数形・複数形: The company’s financial report showed a significant _________ for the second quarter.
(A) deficit
(B) deficits
(C) deficiting
(D) deficited
解答と解説: (A) deficit deficit は可算名詞ですが、ここでは「第二四半期の赤字」という特定の赤字を指しているため、単数形が適切です。
– - 前置詞との組み合わせ: The government is struggling to cope with a growing budget _________.
(A) deficit in
(B) deficit of
(C) deficit on
(D) deficit for
解答と解説: (B) deficit of 「~の赤字」という意味で、deficit は前置詞 of と一緒に使われます。
– - 形容詞形: The _________ spending of the previous administration left the country in a difficult financial situation.
(A) deficit
(B) deficits
(C) deficiting
(D) deficit
解答と解説: (D) deficit 空欄には名詞 spending を修飾する形容詞が必要です。deficit は名詞ですが、形容詞としても使われ、「赤字の」という意味になります。
– - 反意語: The company was able to turn a _________ into a profit within a year.
(A) deficit
(B) surplus
(C) loss
(D) debt
解答と解説: (B) surplus 文脈から、空欄には deficit の反意語が入ることがわかります。surplus は「黒字」という意味なので、適切です。
– - 誤文訂正: The trade deficits between the two countries have been a source of tension for many years.
解答と解説: deficits → deficit ここでは、二国間の貿易赤字全体を指しているため、単数形の deficit が適切です。