【 diploma – 卒業証書、学位】という単語の語源とか由来を知っていますか?
The origin of the word “diploma” comes from the ancient Greek word “δίπλωμα” (diplōma), which originally meant “folded paper” or “folded document.” Initially, it referred to official documents or permits issued by the government, especially licenses for travel or passports. Over time, the meaning of “diploma” expanded and came to be associated with the educational field, specifically denoting official documents that certify significant achievements or academic degrees.
This term was adopted into English via Medieval Latin, where it primarily referred to the certificates or degrees awarded by schools or universities. Today, it is widely recognized as a document that certifies a student has completed a particular educational program or course and has acquired the necessary knowledge and skills.
- Degree – 学位。特定の学問分野での学術的な達成を証明する文書。
- Certificate – 証明書。特定のスキルやコース修了を証明する文書。
- Credential – 資格証明。教育や専門的な資格を証明するための文書や記録。
- Qualification – 資格。特定の職業や活動に従事するために必要な教育や訓練を証明する文書。
- Accreditation – 認定。公式に認められた教育機関やプログラムからの認証書。
- Unqualified – 未資格。特定の職業や活動に必要な資格や証明書を持っていない状態。
- Inexperience – 経験不足。必要な教育や訓練、経験が不足していることを指す。
- Degree – 学位は、大学や高等教育機関が授与する、特定の学問分野における学術的な達成度を示す証明書です。一方、「Diploma」は、学位を含むが、職業訓練や専門教育を完了したことを示す文書にも使われることがあります。
- Certificate – 証明書は、特定のコースやプログラムの修了を証明する文書で、しばしば特定の技能や資格を示します。「Diploma」と比較すると、より狭い範囲の達成や特定のスキルに焦点を当てていることが多いです。
- Transcript – 成績証明書は、学生が受講したコースやその成績、単位数などを詳細に記載した公式文書です。「Diploma」とは異なり、教育の過程や成績の詳細を示すもので、卒業や学位授与の証明そのものではありません。
I proudly displayed my diploma on the wall, a symbol of my hard work and achievement.
After years of studying, I finally received my diploma, marking the culmination of my educational journey.
She framed her diploma and hung it in her office, a constant reminder of her educational accomplishments.
The university awarded him a diploma with honors for his outstanding academic performance.
With her diploma in hand, she felt a sense of pride and accomplishment as she embarked on her career journey.
【 diploma – 卒業証書、学位】のコロケーション
- earn a diploma – 卒業証書を取得する
- 学生が特定の教育プログラムやコースの要件を満たし、正式に卒業証書を授与される過程を指します。
- diploma in [field] – [分野]の卒業証書
- 特定の学問分野や専門職の教育プログラムを修了し、その分野における専門的な知識や技能を習得したことを示す卒業証書。
- diploma program – 卒業証書プログラム
- 学生が特定の分野の知識や技能を学び、卒業証書を取得することを目的とした教育プログラム。
- receive a diploma – 卒業証書を受け取る
- 教育プログラムを成功裏に完了し、正式に卒業証書を授与される行為。
- diploma holder – 卒業証書保持者
- 特定の教育プログラムを修了し、卒業証書を取得した個人。
The term “diploma” is used in relation to documents that signify educational achievements or the conferment of degrees. This word is associated with typical collocations such as “earn a diploma,” “diploma in [field],” “diploma program,” “receive a diploma,” and “diploma holder.” These phrases are particularly valuable in contexts that demonstrate the acquisition of specialized knowledge or skills in a specific educational program or field of study.
For instance, “earn a diploma” refers to the process by which a student meets the requirements of an educational program and is officially awarded a diploma. Meanwhile, “diploma in [field]” specifies the diploma awarded for completing education in a particular academic discipline or professional field, clearly indicating the individual’s area of expertise.
A “diploma program” denotes an educational program aimed at students learning knowledge in a specific field and ultimately obtaining a diploma, while “receive a diploma” describes the act of successfully completing such a program and being formally granted a diploma. Lastly, “diploma holder” refers to an individual who has completed a specific educational program and has been awarded a diploma.
Through these collocations, it becomes clear how the word “diploma” is used as an important document that certifies educational or professional achievements. These expressions are widely used in the field of education to accurately convey a student’s academic success or professional qualifications.
文法問題: “diploma” (卒業証書、学位)
- 単数形・複数形:
The university awarded _________ to the graduating class at the commencement ceremony.
(A) diploma
(B) diplomas
(C) diploma’s
(D) diplomas’
解答と解説: (B) diplomas 卒業証書は一人一人に授与されるもので複数の卒業生がいるため、複数形の diplomas が適切です。
– - 冠詞との組み合わせ:
She proudly displayed _________ on her office wall.
(A) a diploma
(B) an diploma
(C) the diploma
(D) diploma
解答と解説: (C) the diploma 特定の卒業証書を指しているため、定冠詞 the が必要です。
– - 前置詞との組み合わせ:
He earned a _________ in business administration from a prestigious university.
(A) diploma on
(B) diploma of
(C) diploma in
(D) diploma with
解答と解説: (C) diploma in 「~の学位」という意味で、diploma は前置詞 in と一緒に使われます。
– - 文脈に合った表現:
After years of hard work, she finally received her _________ and embarked on a new career path.
(A) diploma
(B) degree
(C) certificate
(D) all of the above
解答と解説: (D) all of the above diploma, degree, certificate はいずれも「卒業証書」「学位」「資格証明書」といった意味で使われるため、この文脈ではすべて適切です。
– - 誤文訂正: The diploma is a symbol of academic achievement and opens doors to many opportunities.
解答と解説: 誤りはありません。 この文は、「卒業証書は学業の成果の象徴であり、多くの機会への扉を開く」という意味で、diploma が正しく使われています。