Select the most appropriate word to fill in the blank in the following sentence:
“It’s crucial to __ at the beginning of the meeting to ensure everyone is on the same page.”
1.set an agenda
2.set a timer
3.set a table
4.set a wallpaper
- set an agenda(議題を設定する)
- set a timer(タイマーを設定する)
- set a table(テーブルを設定する)
- set a wallpaper(壁紙を設定する)
選択肢1の「set an agenda」は「議題を設定する」という意味で、会議の目的や討論すべきポイントを明確にする行為です。これにより、会議の流れがスムーズになり、参加者全員が同じ認識で進めることができます。
選択肢2の「set a timer」は時間を管理する意味ではありますが、これが直接的に全員が同じページにいることを保証するものではありません。選択肢3の「set a table」や選択肢4の「set a wallpaper」は、会議の内容や目的とは直接関連しない行為です。
したがって、最も適切な解答は「1. set an agenda」です。この選択肢が会議を始める際に全員が同じ認識を持つための基礎を築く最も効果的な方法を提供します。議題を設定することにより、会議の目的が明確になり、全員が目指すべき方向が一致します。これは、効率的で生産的な会議を実現する上で不可欠なステップです。
“In the context of this sentence, the discussion focuses on the crucial actions to be taken at the beginning of a meeting to maximize its effectiveness. It questions what should be ‘set’ to enhance the efficiency of the meeting and ensure that everyone is aligned.
Option 1, ‘set an agenda,’ means establishing the topics and points to be discussed, which clarifies the purpose of the meeting and what needs to be debated. This facilitates a smooth flow of the meeting and ensures that all participants are on the same page.
Option 2, ‘set a timer,’ pertains to managing time, but this does not directly guarantee that everyone will be on the same page. Options 3, ‘set a table,’ and 4, ‘set a wallpaper,’ are activities that do not directly relate to the content or objectives of the meeting.
Therefore, the most appropriate answer is ‘1. set an agenda.’ This option provides the most effective way to lay the foundation for everyone to have a uniform understanding at the start of the meeting. By setting an agenda, the purpose of the meeting becomes clear, and everyone aligns towards the same goals. This is an essential step for conducting an efficient and productive meeting.”
Select the most suitable response in the following conversation:
A: “How can I improve my presentation skills for the next seminar?”
B: “_.”
1.You should learn to swim.
2.You should practice more often and ask for feedback.
3.You should buy a new car.
4.You should write a book.
A: 「次のセミナーでプレゼンテーションスキルをどう改善すればいいですか?」
B: 「_。」
- You should learn to swim.(泳ぎを覚えるべきです。)
- You should practice more often and ask for feedback.(もっと頻繁に練習して、フィードバックを求めるべきです。)
- You should buy a new car.(新しい車を買うべきです。)
- You should write a book.(本を書くべきです。)
一方で、選択肢2の「You should practice more often and ask for feedback.」は、プレゼンテーションの練習を頻繁に行い、他人からのフィードバックを積極的に求めることを勧めています。このアプローチは、自身の強みと弱みを理解し、具体的な改善点を把握するのに有効です。練習を重ねることで自信をつけ、フィードバックを通じて技術を磨くことができます。
したがって、正解は「2. You should practice more often and ask for feedback.」です。このアドバイスは、プレゼンテーションスキルを具体的に向上させるための実用的な方法を提供し、Aが次のセミナーでより効果的なプレゼンテーションを行う手助けとなります。
In this situation, person A is seeking advice on how to enhance their presentation skills for an upcoming seminar. The response needs to provide practical and direct advice that will help improve presentation skills.
Options 1, 3, and 4 offer suggestions unrelated to the improvement of presentation skills. Learning to swim, buying a new car, and writing a book do not directly contribute to enhancing one’s ability to present effectively.
On the other hand, Option 2, “You should practice more often and ask for feedback,” recommends frequently practicing presentations and actively seeking feedback from others. This approach is effective in understanding one’s strengths and weaknesses, identifying specific areas for improvement. Regular practice builds confidence, and feedback helps refine skills.
Therefore, the correct answer is “2. You should practice more often and ask for feedback.” This advice offers a practical method to specifically improve presentation skills, helping person A to deliver a more effective presentation at the next seminar.