Choose the best option to complete the following sentence:
“The key to a productive meeting is to keep it focused and _.”




  1. long(長く)
  2. disconnected(切り離された)
  3. tangential(脱線した)
  4. concise(簡潔に)




したがって、正解は「4. concise」です。これにより、「The key to a productive meeting is to keep it focused and concise.」という文が完成し、「効果的な会議の鍵は、それを集中させ、簡潔に保つことです」という意味になります。このアプローチは、会議の時間と労力を最大限に活用するのに役立ちます。

In the context of this sentence, we are asked to describe elements that make a meeting efficient and productive. It’s necessary to choose a word that, when combined with keeping the meeting focused, enhances its effectiveness.

Option 1, “long,” implies extending the duration of the meeting. Typically, longer meetings can lead to decreased efficiency, so this does not suit the context. Options 2, “disconnected,” and 3, “tangential,” mean being “disconnected” and “going off on tangents,” respectively, which are also contrary to the objective of making a meeting effective.

On the other hand, Option 4, “concise,” means “brief and to the point.” Keeping the meeting focused and concise helps to narrow down the discussion to essential topics, avoiding unnecessary deliberations. This approach prevents participants from becoming distracted and allows for the quick handling of necessary points, thus enhancing the productivity of the meeting.

Therefore, the correct answer is “4. concise.” This completes the sentence as: “The key to a productive meeting is to keep it focused and concise.” This approach helps maximize the use of time and effort during meetings.

Choose the most suitable response in the following conversation:
A: “What are the necessary arrangements for our seminar next week?”
B: “_.”

1.I will order pizza for lunch.
2.We need to confirm the venue, prepare the materials, and notify the attendees.
3.I will bring my dog to the seminar.
4.We should cancel the seminar.

A: 「来週のセミナーのために必要な準備は何ですか?」
B: 「_。」


  1. I will order pizza for lunch.(ランチにピザを注文します。)
  2. We need to confirm the venue, prepare the materials, and notify the attendees.(会場を確認し、資料を準備し、参加者に通知する必要があります。)
  3. I will bring my dog to the seminar.(セミナーに犬を連れて行きます。)
  4. We should cancel the seminar.(セミナーをキャンセルすべきです。)



一方、選択肢2の「We need to confirm the venue, prepare the materials, and notify the attendees.」は、会場の確認、資料の準備、参加者への通知という、セミナーを成功させるために必要な具体的なステップを提供しています。これはセミナーを円滑に実施するための基本的な準備活動を網羅しており、Aの質問に対する最も適切な回答です。

したがって、正解は「2. We need to confirm the venue, prepare the materials, and notify the attendees.」です。この回答は、来週のセミナーに向けて必要な準備が何であるかを具体的に説明し、計画的なアプローチを強調しています。

In this scenario, person A is asking about the necessary preparations for a seminar scheduled for the next week. The response from person B should provide specific and practical information relevant to the query.

Option 1, mentioning ordering pizza for lunch, does not provide comprehensive information about the overall preparations needed for the seminar. Option 3, suggesting bringing a dog to the seminar, is irrelevant to the preparations for the seminar. Option 4, proposing to cancel the seminar, is an extreme suggestion and does not align with the information A is seeking.

On the other hand, Option 2, “We need to confirm the venue, prepare the materials, and notify the attendees,” outlines the essential steps needed to ensure the success of the seminar, including venue confirmation, material preparation, and participant notification. This option covers the basic preparatory activities necessary for a smooth execution of the seminar and is the most suitable response to A’s question.

Therefore, the correct answer is “2. We need to confirm the venue, prepare the materials, and notify the attendees.” This response precisely describes what needs to be prepared for the seminar next week and emphasizes a methodical approach to planning.