Choose the most appropriate phrase to complete the following sentence:
“Effective meeting agendas should be __.”
2.loosely defined
3.clear and concise
4.complicated and lengthy
- 無視されるべき
- 大まかに定義されるべき
- 明確で簡潔であるべき
- 複雑で長大であるべき
正解は (C) clear and concise(明確かつ簡潔)です。
選択肢 (A) ignored(無視された)や (D) complicated and lengthy(複雑で長い)は clearly inappropriate(明らかに不適切)です。無視された議題や複雑で長い議題は効果的な会議に貢献しません。選択肢 (B) loosely defined(曖昧に定義された)も不正解です。会議の議題には明確さと具体性が必要です。
The correct answer is (C) clear and concise.
Effective meeting agendas should be clear and concise. This makes it easier for participants to understand the topics and issues to be discussed, while eliminating unnecessary complexity and length. This promotes efficient use of meeting time and facilitates effective communication during the meeting.
Options (A) ignored and (D) complicated and lengthy are clearly inappropriate. Ignored or overly complex and lengthy agendas do not contribute to effective meetings. Option (B) loosely defined is also incorrect. Clarity and specificity are necessary for meeting agendas.
Choose the most appropriate response in the following conversation:
A: “What is the best way to engage audience during my seminar presentation?”
B: “_.”
1.You should consider changing your outfit.
2.Try incorporating interactive elements like Q&A or live polling.
3.How about buying a new house?
4.You should consider adopting a pet.
A: 「私のセミナープレゼンテーション中に聴衆をどうやって引き込むのが最善ですか?」
B: 「_。」
- 服装を変えることを考えてみてください。
- Q&Aやライブポーリングのようなインタラクティブな要素を取り入れてみてください。
- 新しい家を買うのはどうですか?
- ペットを養うことを考えてみてください。
正解は2番です。「Try incorporating interactive elements like Q&A or live polling.」(Q&Aやライブ投票などのインタラクティブな要素を取り入れてみてください。)
一方、1番の「You should consider changing your outfit.」(服装を変えてみるのもいいかもしれません。)や、3番の「How about buying a new house?」(新しい家を買ってみるのはどうですか?)は、Aさんの質問には関係がなく、不適切です。また、4番の「You should consider adopting a pet.」(ペットを飼うことを検討してみてはいかがでしょうか。)も同様に、セミナープレゼンテーションの観客参加に関する質問に対しては適切ではありません。
The answer is number 2: “Try incorporating interactive elements like Q&A or live polling.”
In this conversation, A is asking for the best way to engage the audience during their seminar presentation. B suggests incorporating interactive elements, such as Q&A sessions or live polling. This response is appropriate because it directly addresses A’s question and provides practical advice to enhance audience engagement.
On the other hand, option 1, “You should consider changing your outfit,” and option 3, “How about buying a new house?” are irrelevant to A’s question and inappropriate. Similarly, option 4, “You should consider adopting a pet,” is also inappropriate as a response to A’s inquiry about engaging the audience during a seminar presentation.