【 annual – 年次の】


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【 annual – 年次の】という単語の語源とか由来を知っていますか?






  1. Yearly: 年次の、毎年の
  2. Yearlong: 1年間続く、通年の
  3. Perennial: 多年生の、恒久的な


  1. Nonannual: 年次でない、毎年ではない
  2. Irregular: 不定期な、規則性のない
  3. Sporadic: 散発的な、断続的な


  1. Annul (無効にする): 「annual」と音やスペルが似ていますが、意味や使い方が異なる単語です。注意して使い分けましょう。
  2. Annuals (年間植物): 「annuals」という単語は「一年生の植物」を指す言葉です。この単語も「annual」と似ていますが、意味や文脈が異なるので注意が必要です。


  1. Our company organizes an annual team-building retreat to strengthen employee bonds.
  2. The school’s annual sports day is a highly anticipated event for students and teachers alike.
  3. We are excited to announce the launch of our annual scholarship program for outstanding students.
  4. The museum hosts an annual exhibition featuring works of renowned artists from around the world.
  5. Every year, the city holds an annual festival celebrating its cultural heritage and traditions.

【 annual – 年次の】のコロケーション

  1. Annual Report(年次報告書): 企業や組織が毎年公開する、その年の活動や財務状況をまとめた報告書。
  2. Annual Meeting(年次会議): 毎年定期的に開催される会議や総会。
  3. Annual Event(年次イベント): 毎年行われる特定のイベントや祭り。
  4. Annual Budget(年次予算): 一年間の収入と支出の計画。
  5. Annual Checkup(年次健康診断): 毎年行われる健康診断や医療検査。
  6. Annual Subscription(年間購読): 一年間のサービスや出版物への購読契約。
  7. Annual Salary(年俸): 一年間の給与や報酬の総額。
  8. Annual Leave(年次休暇): 毎年与えられる休暇日数。

“Sunflower’s Annual Gathering: A Story of Community and Growth” – サンフラワーの年次集会:コミュニティと成長の物語

In the quaint village of Sunflower, the annual sunflower festival was the highlight of the year. Every summer, the village would burst into vibrant colors, attracting visitors from all over.


This year’s festival was special as it marked the 50th annual celebration. The villagers planned an extraordinary event, featuring an exhibition of rare sunflower species collected over the years.


Among the guests was renowned botanist Dr. Lily, who was attending the festival to deliver her annual lecture on sunflower cultivation. Her talks were always a festival highlight, providing valuable insights to the local farmers.


This year, Dr. Lily announced the launch of her annual research grant, aimed at supporting innovative agricultural practices in Sunflower Village. The announcement was met with great enthusiasm, promising a brighter future for the village’s farming community.


As the annual sunflower festival came to a close, the villagers reflected on the successful event and looked forward to the next year’s celebration, hoping to continue the annual tradition that brought their community together.
