【 rescue – 救出する、救助】


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【 rescue – 救出する、救助】という単語の語源とか由来を知っていますか?





  1. Save (救う)
  2. Retrieve (回収する)
  3. Deliver (届ける)
  4. Free (解放する)
  5. Salvage (救出する)


  1. Endanger (危険にさらす)
  2. Abandon (見捨てる)
  3. Neglect (怠る)
  4. Ignore (無視する)
  5. Harm (害する)


  1. Recover(回復する、取り戻す): 「Recover」は「回復する」や「取り戻す」という意味ですが、「救出する」と混同されることがあります。特に、失われたものや病気からの回復を指す際に用います。
  2. Save(救う、節約する): 「Save」は広義に「救う」という意味で使われることが多く、「rescue」と似ていますが、金銭を節約するなどの意味もあります。
  3. Salvage(救助する、回収する): 「Salvage」は特に、難破船や事故後の物を回収することに使われ、広義の「救助」にも使われることがありますが、「rescue」とはニュアンスが異なります。


          1. The lifeguard quickly responded to the drowning swimmer and successfully rescued them from the water.
          2. The mountain rescue team braved the harsh weather conditions to reach the stranded hikers and bring them to safety.
          3. The firefighter entered the burning building to rescue a trapped family, demonstrating incredible bravery and selflessness.
          4. A group of volunteers organized a search and rescue mission to find a missing child in the dense forest.
          5. The coast guard received a distress call from a sinking boat and swiftly launched a rescue operation to save the stranded passengers.

          【 rescue – 救出する、救助】のコロケーション

          1. Rescue Team(救助隊): 緊急事態に対応し、人々を救助する専門のチーム。
          2. Rescue Operation(救助作戦): 災害や事故などの緊急事態で人々を救出するための作戦や活動。
          3. Rescue Mission(救助ミッション): 特定の目的のために行われる救助活動。
          4. Rescue Effort(救助努力): 救助活動に関わる努力や試み。
          5. Rescue Services(救助サービス): 救助を提供するサービスや機関。
          6. Rescue Dog(救助犬): 救助活動に使われる訓練された犬。
          7. Rescue Equipment(救助装備): 救助活動に使用される機材や道具。
          8. Search and Rescue(捜索救助): 行方不明者を探し出し、救助する活動。

          “Rescue in the Tempest: Survival at Sea” – 嵐の中の救出:海での生存

          In the small coastal town of Seabreeze, the local rescue team was revered for their bravery. They had performed countless rescue missions, saving people from the treacherous sea.


          One stormy night, an urgent call came in. A fishing boat was in distress, and an immediate rescue operation was necessary. The team sprang into action, racing against time to rescue the stranded fishermen.


          As they approached the vessel, the team realized that the situation was worse than expected. Waves crashed violently around them, but they were determined to rescue every single soul on board.


          After hours of strenuous effort, the rescue team successfully brought all the fishermen to safety. Their courage and quick response had turned a potential tragedy into a story of survival.


          The town celebrated the rescue team’s heroism, and their story became an inspiring anecdote of bravery and resilience in the face of danger.
