【Affection – 愛情】という単語の語源とか由来を知っていますか?

【Affection – 愛情】の語源・類義語・反対語・例文など

ホーム » ★英単語 語源・例文 » ☆初級単語 » 【Affection – 愛情】/「ヨーコの愛情溢れる避難所:野良たちの新しい家」 – “Yoko’s Affection-Filled Refuge: A New Home for Strays”

【Affection – 愛情】という単語の語源とか由来を知っていますか?




  1. love(愛)
  2. fondness(好意)
  3. tenderness(優しさ)

反対語: 「affection」には明確な反対語はありませんが、無関心や冷淡さを意味する単語とは対義関係にあると言えます。




  1. She showed great affection towards her elderly grandmother, always taking care of her needs. (彼女は高齢の祖母に対して大きな愛情を示し、いつも世話をしました。)
  2. The couple’s affection for each other was evident in the way they held hands and exchanged loving glances. (夫婦の互いへの愛情は、手をつなぎ、愛しい眼差しを交わす様子から明らかでした。)
  3. The dog greeted its owner with wagging tail, a display of pure affection and loyalty. (犬は尾を振って飼い主を迎え、純粋な愛情と忠誠心を示しました。)
  4. The children felt a deep affection for their favorite teacher, as she always listened to their concerns and encouraged their growth. (子供たちはお気に入りの先生に対して深い愛情を抱いていました。彼女は常に彼らの悩みを聞き、成長を促してくれたからです。)
  5. Despite their differences, the siblings had an unbreakable bond of affection that kept them together through thick and thin. (兄弟姉妹は違いがあるにもかかわらず、互いの間には不屈の愛情の絆があり、困難な状況でも一緒に支え合っていました。)

【Affection – 愛情】のコロケーション

  1. Show affection: 愛情を示す
  2. Feel affection: 愛情を感じる
  3. Express affection: 愛情を表現する
  4. Deep affection: 深い愛情
  5. Genuine affection: 真実の愛情
  6. Mutual affection: 相互の愛情
  7. Tender affection: 優しい愛情
  8. Warm affection: 温かい愛情
  9. Affection for someone/something: 誰か/何かへの愛情
  10. Affection towards someone/something: 誰か/何かに対する愛情

「ヨーコの愛情溢れる避難所:野良たちの新しい家」 – “Yoko’s Affection-Filled Refuge: A New Home for Strays”

In a small town in Hokkaido, there was a kind-hearted elderly woman named Yoko who had a deep affection (愛情) for animals. She had turned her home into a sanctuary for stray cats and dogs.


Yoko’s affection (愛情) for these animals was evident in the way she cared for them. She would feed them, bathe them, and give them all the love they had been missing.


One day, a stray dog that Yoko had a particular affection (愛情) for gave birth to puppies. Yoko was overjoyed and took care of the puppies with even more affection (愛情).


Word of Yoko’s affection (愛情) for animals spread throughout the town. People started bringing her stray animals they found, knowing they would be cared for with love and affection.


Through her affection (愛情) for animals, Yoko was able to make a positive impact on her community. Her story is a testament to the power of love and kindness.
