【Distribute – 分配する】

【Distribute – 分配する】の語源・類義語・反対語・例文

ホーム » ★英単語 語源・例文 » ☆初級単語 » 【Distribute – 分配する】/”Yumi’s Baked Blessings: Spreading Love Through Distribution” (「ユミの焼いた祝福:分配を通じて愛を広げる」)

【Distribute – 分配する】という単語の語源とか由来を知っていますか?




  1. allocate(割り当てる)
  2. dispense(提供する)
  3. apportion(分担する)
  4. share(共有する)






  1. The organization aims to distribute food to the needy families in the community. (その団体は地域の困っている家族に食料を分配することを目指しています。)
  2. The teacher distributed the handouts to the students before the lecture. (先生は講義の前に学生たちに配布物を分配しました。)
  3. The company plans to distribute the workload evenly among team members. (会社は業務負荷をチームメンバー間で均等に分配する予定です。)
  4. They distribute the newspaper to subscribers every morning. (彼らは新聞を毎朝購読者に配達します。)
  5. The charity organization distributes clothing and blankets to the homeless during winter. (その慈善団体は冬季にホームレスに衣類や毛布を配布します。)

【Distribute – 分配する】を使ったエピソード

In the city of Sapporo, there was a kind-hearted baker named Yumi who was known for her delicious pastries. Every day, she would distribute (分配する) her baked goods to the local community.


One day, Yumi decided to distribute (分配する) her pastries to a local orphanage. She wanted to bring a little joy to the children living there.


The children loved Yumi’s pastries. Seeing their happy faces, Yumi decided to distribute (分配する) her pastries to the orphanage every week.


Word of Yumi’s kindness spread throughout the community. Other local businesses started to distribute (分配する) their goods to the orphanage as well, inspired by Yumi’s actions.


Through her decision to distribute (分配する) her pastries, Yumi was able to make a positive impact on her community. Her story is a testament to the power of kindness and generosity.
