【Drastic – 思い切った】

【Drastic – 思い切った】の語源・類義語・反対語・例文

ホーム » ★英単語 語源・例文 » ☆初級単語 » 【Drastic – 思い切った】/”The Power of Drastic Decision-Making: Hiroshi’s Triumph” – 思い切った決断の力:ヒロシの勝利

【Drastic – 思い切った】という単語の語源とか由来を知っていますか?




  1. radical(過激な)
  2. extreme(極端な)
  3. drastic(思い切った)
  4. severe(厳しい)






  1. The company had to take drastic measures to cut costs and avoid bankruptcy. (会社はコスト削減と破産回避のために思い切った手段を取らざるを得ませんでした。)
  2. The government implemented drastic reforms to improve the education system. (政府は教育制度を改善するために抜本的な改革を実施しました。)
  3. He made a drastic decision to quit his stable job and pursue his passion. (彼は安定した仕事を辞めて自分の情熱を追求するために思い切った決断をしました。)
  4. The doctor recommended a drastic change in her lifestyle to improve her health. (医師は彼女の健康を改善するために生活様式を抜本的に変えることを勧めました。)
  5. The team faced a drastic setback but managed to bounce back with renewed determination. (チームは思い切った挫折を経験しましたが、新たな決意で立ち直ることに成功しました。)

“The Power of Drastic Decision-Making: Hiroshi’s Triumph” – 思い切った決断の力:ヒロシの勝利

In the city of Osaka, there was a middle-aged man named Hiroshi who was known for his drastic (思い切った) decisions. He was a businessman who believed in taking risks and making bold moves.


One day, Hiroshi made a drastic (思い切った) decision to invest in a struggling startup. His colleagues thought he was crazy, but Hiroshi saw potential in the young company.


A few months later, the startup began to thrive. Hiroshi’s drastic (思い切った) decision had paid off, and he was praised for his foresight and courage.


Inspired by his success, Hiroshi made another drastic (思い切った) decision. He decided to leave his stable job and start his own company. It was a risky move, but Hiroshi was ready for the challenge.


Through his drastic (思い切った) decisions, Hiroshi was able to achieve success and fulfill his dreams. His story is a testament to the power of taking risks and making bold moves.
