【execute − 実行する、処刑する】

【execute − 実行する、処刑する】の語源・類義語・反対語・例文

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【execute − 実行する、処刑する】という単語の語源とか由来を知っていますか?





  1. implement(実施する)
  2. carry out(実行する)
  3. perform(行う)
  4. fulfill(果たす)


  1. 「cancel」(取り消す)
  2. 「revoke」(無効にする)




  1. The CEO executed the company’s new business strategy with precision and determination. (CEOは正確かつ決意を持って会社の新しいビジネス戦略を実行しました。)
  2. The court ordered the execution of the convicted criminal. (裁判所は有罪判決を受けた犯罪者の処刑を命じました。)
  3. The chef executed the recipe flawlessly, resulting in a delicious meal. (シェフはレシピを完璧に実行し、美味しい食事を作り出しました。)
  4. The project team will execute the plan according to the established timeline. (プロジェクトチームは設定されたタイムラインに従って計画を実行します。)
  5. The computer program failed to execute due to an error in the code. (コンピュータプログラムはコードのエラーにより実行できませんでした。)

「京都の技術革命家(Kyoto’s Tech Revolutionary)」 – Focusing on Yuto’s impact on the tech industry in Kyoto.

In the city of Kyoto, there was a young programmer named Yuto who was known for his ability to execute (実行する) complex codes with ease. He worked for a tech startup and was responsible for developing new software.


One day, Yuto was given a challenging task. He was asked to execute (実行する) a new code that would improve the performance of their software. It was a complex task, but Yuto was confident.


Yuto spent days working on the code. He encountered several issues, but he was able to execute (実行する) the code successfully after several attempts.


When Yuto executed (実行した) the new code, the performance of their software improved significantly. His colleagues were impressed by his skills and dedication.


Through his ability to execute (実行する) complex codes, Yuto was able to contribute to the success of his company. His story is a testament to the power of perseverance and technical skill.
