【liable – 法的責任がある、〜する可能性がある】

【liable – 法的責任がある、〜する可能性がある】の語源・類義語・反対語・例文

ホーム » ★英単語 語源・例文 » ☆初級単語 » 【liable – 法的責任がある、〜する可能性がある】/”Taro’s Legal Quirks: Defending the Unusual in Tokyo” – 太郎の法的変わり者:東京での異常を守る

【liable – 法的責任がある、〜する可能性がある】という単語の語源とか由来を知っていますか?




  1. responsible(責任がある)
  2. accountable(説明責任がある)
  3. answerable(責任を問われる)
  4. susceptible(影響を受けやすい)


  1. exempt(免除された)
  2. immune(免疫のある)
  3. absolved(免罪された)
  4. not liable(責任を負わない)




  1. The company is liable for any damages caused by its products. (その会社は自社製品によって引き起こされるあらゆる損害について責任を負います。)
  2. If you don’t pay your bills, you could be liable for late fees. (請求書を支払わない場合、遅延料金の責任が発生する可能性があります。)
  3. The driver was held liable for the accident due to reckless driving. (その運転手は無謀な運転のため、事故の責任を負わされました。)
  4. The company’s CEO may be personally liable for any fraudulent activities conducted by the company. (その会社のCEOは、会社が行った詐欺行為について個人的に法的責任を負う可能性があります。)
  5. Parents are liable for the actions of their underage children. (未成年の子供の行動については、親が責任を負うことがあります。)

“Taro’s Legal Quirks: Defending the Unusual in Tokyo” – 太郎の法的変わり者:東京での異常を守る

In the bustling city of Tokyo, there was a quirky lawyer named Taro who had a knack for handling cases where someone was liable (法的責任がある、〜する可能性がある) for something unusual.


One day, Taro was approached by a man who was being held liable (法的責任がある、〜する可能性がある) for a flock of pigeons that had taken up residence on his balcony. The man was being sued by his neighbors for the noise and mess the pigeons were causing.


Taro took on the case and argued that the man was not liable (法的責任がある、〜する可能性がある) for the pigeons’ actions. He claimed that the pigeons were wild animals and that the man had no control over them.


The judge agreed with Taro’s argument and ruled that the man was not liable (法的責任がある、〜する可能性がある) for the pigeons. The man was relieved and thanked Taro for his help.


Through his unique approach to law, Taro was able to help those who found themselves liable (法的責任がある、〜する可能性がある) in unusual situations, earning him a reputation as a “quirky lawyer”.
