【 identical – 同一の、同じ】

【 identical – 同一の、同じ】の語源・類義語・反対語・例文

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【 identical – 同一の、同じ】という単語の語源とか由来を知っていますか?







  1. same: 同じ
  2. alike: 似ている
  3. equal: 平等な、等しい
  4. uniform: 一様な、同一の


  1. different: 異なる
  2. distinct: はっきりと区別された
  3. unique: 独特な、唯一の
  4. separate: 別々の





  1. The two snowflakes are identical in shape and size.
  2. The twins have identical features and often confuse people.
  3. The test results of the two groups were almost identical, indicating similar performance.
  4. The criminal left an identical fingerprint at both crime scenes, leaving no doubt about their involvement.
  5. The two cars are from the same model and have identical specifications.

【 identical – 同一の、同じ】のコロケーション

「identical – 同一の、同じ」という表現は、二つまたは複数の物事が完全に同じであることを示す時に使用されます。以下はそのコロケーションの例です:

  1. Identical twins – 「一卵性双生児」: 遺伝的に完全に同じ特徴を持つ双子。
  2. Identical results – 「同一の結果」: 何度行っても全く同じ結果が得られる場合。
  3. Identical copies – 「同一のコピー」: 完全に同じ内容や形式の複製品。
  4. Identical dresses – 「同じドレス」: 同じデザイン、素材、色のドレス。
  5. Identical questions – 「同一の質問」: 全く同じ言葉や意味の質問。
  6. Identical houses – 「同じ家」: 外観や構造が全く同じ家。
  7. Identical reactions – 「同一の反応」: 同じ状況において全く同じ反応を示すこと。
  8. Identical policies – 「同一のポリシー」: 同じガイドラインや規則を持つポリシー。
  9. Identical ingredients – 「同一の成分」: 完全に同じ成分を含む物。
  10. Identical symptoms – 「同一の症状」: 病気や健康状態が全く同じ症状を示すこと。


「小さな町の大きな混乱 – Big Confusion in a Small Town」: 【同一の】双子と家がもたらす小さな町の大きな混乱。

In the quiet town of Lakeville, there was a peculiar sight that often confused newcomers. You see, there were two houses in the town that were 【identical】.

Not just similar, but 【identical】 down to the smallest detail. The same color paint, the same design of mailbox, the same flowers in the garden, even the same looking cat lounging in the yard.

The houses belonged to the Johnson twins, who were as 【identical】 as their houses. They wore the same clothes, had the same hobbies, and even liked the same food. It was a fun game for the town’s people to guess who was who.

The twins loved their 【identical】 lifestyle and often played pranks on their neighbors who sometimes found it hard to tell them apart. Despite the confusions, the townsfolk found the 【identical】 twins and their homes a charming aspect of their small town.