【Dealing – 取引】

【Dealing – 取引】の語源・類義語・反対語・例文

ホーム » ★英単語 語源・例文 » ☆初級単語 » 【Dealing – 取引】/”Fair Dealings in the Antique World: Alfred’s Tale” – 「骨董品界の公正な取引:アルフレッドの物語」

【Dealing – 取引】という単語の語源とか由来を知っていますか?




  1. Transaction(取引)
  2. Trade(貿易、交換)
  3. Exchange(交換)
  4. Business(ビジネス、商売)
  5. Commerce(商業)


  1. Refusal(拒否)
  2. Rejection(却下)
  3. Non-cooperation(非協力)
  4. Inaction(無行動)
  5. Boycott(ボイコット、排斥)


  1. Trading – 「取引」「交換」という意味で、「Dealing」と非常に似ていますが、特に金融市場や商品の交換に特化して使われることが多いです。
  2. Negotiating – 「交渉する」という意味です。「Dealing」が実際の取引や交換を指すのに対し、「Negotiating」は取引や合意に至る前の話し合いや交渉の過程を指します。
  3. Bargaining – 「値切る」「交渉する」という意味で、特に価格や条件についての交渉を指します。「Dealing」よりも狭い範囲の交渉を指すことがあります。


  1. We are in the process of dealing with a new supplier for our raw materials. (私たちは原料の新しい供給業者との取引を進めています。)
  2. He has years of experience in dealing with international clients. (彼は国際的な顧客との取引に長年携わっています。)
  3. The company is known for its fair and transparent dealing with its employees. (その企業は従業員との公正かつ透明な取り扱いで知られています。)
  4. The negotiation team is responsible for dealing with contract terms and conditions. (交渉チームは契約条件について取引を担当しています。)
  5. The seminar will focus on effective dealing strategies in a competitive market. (セミナーでは競争の激しい市場での効果的な取引戦略に焦点を当てます。)

【Dealing – 取引】のコロケーション

  1. Business dealings: ビジネス取引
  2. Financial dealings: 財務取引
  3. Illegal dealings: 違法な取引
  4. Fair dealings: 公正な取引
  5. Commercial dealings: 商業取引
  6. Direct dealings: 直接取引
  7. Dealings with clients: クライアントとの取引
  8. Dealings with suppliers: 供給業者との取引
  9. Real estate dealings: 不動産取引
  10. Suspicious dealings: 疑わしい取引

“Fair Dealings in the Antique World: Alfred’s Tale” – 「骨董品界の公正な取引:アルフレッドの物語」

In the heart of London, there was a small antique shop owned by a man named Alfred. Alfred was known for his fair dealings and his shop was a favorite among antique enthusiasts.


One day, a woman named Clara came into the shop with an old painting she wanted to sell. Alfred, being an expert in his field, immediately recognized the painting as a rare masterpiece. However, he also knew that Clara was unaware of its true value. His reputation for fair dealings was on the line.


After some thought, Alfred decided to inform Clara about the true value of the painting. He explained that he couldn’t in good conscience continue the dealing without her knowing its worth.


Clara was shocked but grateful for Alfred’s honesty. She decided to keep the painting and thanked Alfred for his fair dealing. Word of Alfred’s integrity spread throughout the city, and his business flourished more than ever.


In the end, Alfred’s commitment to fair dealings not only preserved his reputation but also led to the success of his business. This story serves as a reminder that honesty and integrity in dealings can lead to long-term success.
