【junction – 接続、合流】

【junction – 接続、合流】の語源・類義語・反対語・例文

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【junction – 接続、合流】という単語の語源とか由来を知っていますか?





  1. 交差点 (Crossroads)
  2. 合流点 (Confluence)
  3. 接点 (Intersection)
  4. ハブ (Hub)
  5. 接続点 (Connection point)


  1. 分岐点 (Fork)
  2. 分離点 (Separation point)
  3. 終点 (Terminus)
  4. 隔たり (Divide)
  5. 分断 (Disjunction)


  1. Juncture – 「時点」や「重要な時期」という意味で、「junction」と似ていますが、時間的な要素に重点を置きます。
  2. Juxtaposition – 「並列」や「並置」という意味で、二つ以上の要素が隣り合って配置されている状態を指します。これは「junction」の物理的な接続とは異なります。
  3. Conjunction – 「結合」や「連結」という意味で、「junction」と似ていますが、文法的な連結(接続詞など)や天体の位置関係に使われることが多いです。


  1. Turn left at the junction and you will reach the shopping mall. (交差点で左に曲がれば、ショッピングモールに到着します。)
  2. The merger of the two companies created a powerful junction in the industry. (2つの企業の合併は、業界における強力な接続点を作り出しました。)
  3. The internet serves as a global junction, connecting people from different parts of the world. (インターネットは、世界中の人々を接続するグローバルな接点として機能しています。)
  4. The train tracks converge at the junction, allowing trains from different directions to meet. (鉄道の線路はその合流点で交差し、異なる方向から来る列車が出会うことができます。)
  5. The junction of art and technology often leads to innovative and creative outcomes. (芸術と技術の接合点は、しばしば革新的で創造的な成果につながります。)

【junction – 接続、合流】のコロケーションを教えてください

  1. Road junction: 道路の交差点
  2. Junction point: 接続点、合流点
  3. Railway junction: 鉄道の分岐点
  4. Junction box: 配線接続箱
  5. Motorway junction: 高速道路の交差点
  6. Junction area: 交差点周辺
  7. Junction signal: 交差信号
  8. Junction city: Junction City(アメリカの都市名)
  9. Junction station: 分岐駅
  10. Junction temperature: 接合部温度(半導体の用語)

「交差点の謎:クロスロードの挑戦」 (“The Mystery of the Junction: The Challenge of Crossroads”)

In the bustling city of Crossroads, there was a famous junction known as the “Five Point Junction”. This junction was where five different roads met, creating a unique and complex traffic pattern.


The junction was a marvel of engineering, but it was also a source of confusion for many drivers. It was not uncommon to see cars hesitating at the junction, unsure of when to proceed.


One day, a group of students from the local university decided to conduct a study at the junction. They wanted to understand how the junction affected traffic flow and if there were ways to improve it.


After months of observation and data collection at the junction, the students proposed a new traffic light system. This system would better manage the flow of cars at the junction, reducing confusion and improving safety.


The city council approved the proposal and the new system was implemented at the junction. Thanks to the students’ initiative, the Five Point Junction became a symbol of efficient traffic management, rather than a point of confusion.
