【District – 地区】

【District – 地区】の語源・類義語・反対語・例文など

ホーム » ★英単語 語源・例文 » ☆初級単語 » 【District – 地区】/”Painting the Heart of the District: Leo’s Masterpiece” – 地区の心を描く:レオの傑作

【District – 地区】という単語の語源とか由来を知っていますか?





  1. Area(エリア、地域)
  2. Region(地方、地域)
  3. Sector(セクター、分野)
  4. Zone(ゾーン、地帯)
  5. Neighborhood(近隣、近所)
  6. Quarter(クォーター、区)
  7. Precinct(管区、選挙区)
  8. Territory(領土、領域)
  9. Division(分割、区分)
  10. Borough(区、地方自治体)


  1. Whole(全体)
  2. Entirety(全部、全体)
  3. Aggregate(集合体)
  4. Universality(普遍性)
  5. Totality(総体、全体)


  1. Our school is located in the downtown district of the city. (私たちの学校は都心の地区に位置しています。)
  2. The city is divided into several districts, each with its own unique character. (その都市はいくつかの地区に分かれており、それぞれ独自の特徴を持っています。)
  3. The shopping district is filled with boutiques, department stores, and cafes. (ショッピング地区はブティックやデパート、カフェで溢れています。)
  4. The government has implemented new policies to support economic growth in rural districts. (政府は農村地域の経済成長を支援するため、新たな政策を実施しました。)
  5. The residential district is known for its quiet atmosphere and family-friendly environment. (住宅地は静かな雰囲気と家族向けの環境で知られています。)

【District – 地区】のコロケーションを教えてください

  1. School District – 学区:特定の地域にある一連の学校を指します。
  2. Business District – ビジネス地区:主に商業活動が行われる地域を指します。
  3. Residential District – 住宅地区:主に住宅が立地する地域を指します。
  4. Historic District – 歴史地区:歴史的な建物や場所が集まる地域を指します。
  5. Entertainment District – エンターテイメント地区:エンターテイメント施設(劇場、映画館、レストラン、ナイトクラブなど)が集まる地域を指します。
  6. District Court – 地方裁判所:特定の地区を管轄する裁判所を指します。
  7. District Attorney – 地方検察官:特定の地区で公訴を提起する検察官を指します。
  8. District Manager – 地区マネージャー:特定の地区のビジネス活動を管理する人を指します。

“Painting the Heart of the District: Leo’s Masterpiece” – 地区の心を描く:レオの傑作

Once upon a time, in the bustling District of Dreams, there lived a young artist named Leo. Leo was known for his vibrant murals that brought life to the otherwise grey buildings of the district.


One day, the mayor of the district announced a competition. The challenge was to create a mural that best represented the spirit of the district. Leo, with his love for his district, decided to participate.


Leo spent days and nights exploring every corner of the district, seeking inspiration. He talked to the people, visited the local shops, and even spent time at the district’s park, absorbing the essence of the district.


Finally, the day of the competition arrived. Artists from all over the district gathered, each presenting their unique interpretation of the district. But when Leo unveiled his mural, everyone was stunned. It was a beautiful blend of the district’s past, present, and future, capturing the true spirit of the District of Dreams.


Leo won the competition, and his mural became a symbol of the district. From that day forward, the District of Dreams became even more vibrant, reflecting the spirit of unity and creativity that Leo’s mural had inspired.
