【loquacious – おしゃべりな、口数の多い】という単語の語源とか由来を知っていますか?
“Loquacious” originates from the Latin word “loquax,” meaning talkative. It is an adjective derived from the verb “loqui,” which means “to speak,” signifying “fond of talking” or “verbose.” “Loqui” is the root of a series of words related to communication and the expression of language. As a derivative, “loquacious” came to be used to describe someone who naturally or eagerly talks a lot. Over time, “loquacious” has become established in English as an adjective meaning “fond of talking” or “verbose.”
- talkative – おしゃべりな
- garrulous – おしゃべり好きな
- chatty – 口数が多い
- voluble – 話好きな
- verbose – 言葉数が多い
- taciturn – 口数の少ない
- reserved – 控えめな
- reticent – 無口な
- laconic – 簡潔な
- silent – 静かな
Sarah is known for being loquacious; she can talk for hours without getting tired.
The loquacious customer held up the line at the store, talking about her day in great detail.
Peter’s loquacious nature often makes him the center of attention at social gatherings.
Despite being loquacious, Emily is a good listener and always shows interest in others’ stories.
The professor’s loquacious lectures were both informative and entertaining for the students.
【loquacious – おしゃべりな、口数の多い】のコロケーション
- Loquacious person(おしゃべりな人): 誰かが非常に話し好きであるときに使われます。
- Loquacious nature(口数の多い性質): 人の性格が非常に話し好きであることを指します。
- Become loquacious(おしゃべりになる): 通常、人がリラックスして多くを話し始める様子を示す時に使用します。
- Loquacious style(口数の多いスタイル): 書かれた作品やスピーチが詳細で、多くの言葉を使っている様子を指します。
- Loquacious conversation(おしゃべりな会話): 会話が非常に活発で、多くの言葉が交わされる様子を示します。
「Loquacious」は、いくつかの興味深いコロケーションを持っています。例えば、Loquacious personは、その人が非常に話し好きであることを示します。また、Loquacious natureは、人の性格が話し好きであることを指す言い方です。
人がリラックスして、自然に多くを話し始める状況を表現する時には、Become loquaciousという表現が使われます。そして、文章やスピーチが詳細で、言葉豊かである様子を示すには、Loquacious styleという言い方があります。
会話が特に活発で、多くの言葉が飛び交う状況を描写する時には、Loquacious conversationというフレーズがピッタリです。
This word is translated as “talkative” or “verbose.” It is used to describe someone who is very fond of talking or the characteristic of using many words in communication.
“Loquacious” has several interesting collocations. For example, a loquacious person indicates someone who is very talkative. Additionally, loquacious nature refers to a person’s character that is inclined to talk a lot.
The expression “become loquacious” is used to describe a situation where a person starts to talk a lot naturally and in a relaxed manner. For writing or speech that is detailed and rich in words, the phrase “loquacious style” is used.
When depicting a particularly lively conversation with many words exchanged, the phrase “loquacious conversation” fits perfectly.
- 語彙問題
- a. 無口な
- b. 内気な
- c. おしゃべりな
- d. 寡黙な
- c. おしゃべりな
- 空所補充
次の文の( )内に入る最も適切な単語はどれですか?
The ( ) talk show host kept the audience entertained with his witty anecdotes.
- a. loquacious
- b. loquaciously
- c. loquacity
- d. loquate
- a. loquacious
- 品詞の識別
His loquacity made it difficult to get a word in edgewise.
- a. 名詞
- b. 動詞
- c. 形容詞
- d. 副詞
- a. 名詞
- 類義語の使い分け
次の文の( )内に入る最も適切な単語はどれですか?
The ( ) child chattered incessantly throughout the car ride.
- a. loquacious
- b. talkative
- a. loquacious または b. talkative
- 文法的な誤りの指摘
The loquaciously professor kept the students engaged with his animated lectures.
- 誤り: loquaciously
- 正しい形: loquacious