【Disease – 病気】

【Disease – 病気】の語源・類義語・反対語・例文など

ホーム » ★英単語 語源・例文 » ☆初級単語 » 【Disease – 病気】/食卓の奇跡 – The Miracle at the Dining Table: 忘却の病に立ち向かうリリーの物語。

【Disease – 病気】という単語の語源とか由来を知っていますか?




  1. Illness(病気)
  2. Sickness(病気)
  3. Malady(疾患)
  4. Disorder(障害)
  5. Ailment(病気)
  6. Affliction(疾患)
  7. Condition(状態、症状)
  8. Infection(感染症)
  9. Syndrome(症候群)


  1. Health(健康)
  2. Wellness(ウェルネス、健康状態)
  3. Fitness(フィットネス、健康)
  4. Well-being(健康、幸福)
  5. Vigor(活力、健康)
  6. Wholeness(全体性、健康)
  7. Robustness(強健さ)
  8. Soundness(健全さ、健康)
  9. Vitality(活力、生命力)


  1. Illness(病気): 「Disease」とよく似た意味ですが、「Illness」はより一般的な体調不良を指すことが多いです。
  2. Disorder(障害): 特定の機能障害や精神的な問題を指しますが、「Disease」と混同されることがあります。
  3. Condition(状態): 広範な意味を持ち、医学的な問題だけでなく、健康状態全般を指すことがあります。
  4. Infection(感染症): 病原体による病気を指しますが、「Disease」とは異なり、特に感染が原因の病気を指します。


  1. The doctor diagnosed him with a rare disease that affects the nervous system. (医師は彼に神経系に影響を与える珍しい病気と診断しました。)
  2. Many diseases can be prevented through proper hygiene and vaccinations. (適切な衛生とワクチン接種によって多くの病気は予防できます。)
  3. She has been battling with a chronic lung disease for several years. (彼女は数年間、慢性的な肺疾患と闘っています。)
  4. The outbreak of the disease led to a significant increase in hospital admissions. (その病気の発生は、入院患者の大幅な増加をもたらしました。)
  5. Researchers are studying the genetic factors that contribute to the development of the disease. (研究者たちは、病気の発症に関与する遺伝的要因を研究しています。)

【Disease – 病気】のコロケーションを教えてください

  1. Contract a disease: 病気に感染する
  2. Spread of disease: 病気の拡大
  3. Prevent disease: 病気を予防する
  4. Disease outbreak: 病気の発生
  5. Chronic disease: 慢性病
  6. Infectious disease: 伝染病
  7. Disease symptoms: 病気の症状
  8. Disease diagnosis: 病気の診断
  9. Disease treatment: 病気の治療
  10. Disease control: 病気の管理

食卓の奇跡 – The Miracle at the Dining Table: 忘却の病に立ち向かうリリーの物語。

Once upon a time, in a small village, there was a peculiar disease. It wasn’t a disease that caused physical pain or discomfort, but it was a disease nonetheless. This disease caused people to forget their favorite food.


The villagers were puzzled by this strange disease. The baker couldn’t remember his love for fresh bread, the butcher forgot his fondness for well-cooked steak, and the farmer couldn’t recall why he loved ripe tomatoes.


In the midst of this disease, a young girl named Lily found a solution. She realized that even though people forgot their favorite food, they still remembered the joy of eating with their loved ones.


So, Lily started inviting people to communal meals. The disease didn’t disappear, but the villagers found joy in sharing food and company. They realized that the disease had actually brought them closer together.


In the end, the villagers learned to live with the disease. They found that the joy of shared meals was more important than remembering their favorite food. And so, the disease, in a strange way, brought happiness to the village.
