【concern – 関心】


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【Concern – 関心】という単語の語源とか由来を知っていますか?




  1. Interest – 興味
  2. Care – 世話、気遣い
  3. Attention – 注意
  4. Involvement – 関与
  5. Preoccupation – 心配、気にかけること


  1. Disinterest – 無関心
  2. Apathy – 無感動、無関心
  3. Indifference – 無関心、冷淡
  4. Unconcern – 無関心、無頓着
  5. Neglect – 怠慢、無視


  1. Concentrate – 集中する
  2. Consensus – 一致、合意
  3. Consequence – 結果、影響
  4. Conceive – 考える、想像する
  5. Concert – コンサート、演奏会


  1. The safety of our employees is our top concern.(従業員の安全が最優先の関心事です。)
  2. Her parents expressed concern about her well-being while she was studying abroad.(彼女が留学中、両親は彼女の幸福を心配していました。)
  3. There is growing concern about the impact of plastic waste on the environment.(プラスチック廃棄物の環境への影響に対する関心が高まっています。)
  4. The company addressed the customers’ concerns by improving the product’s quality.(その企業は製品の品質を改善することで顧客の懸念を解消しました。)
  5. The government should listen to the public’s concerns and take appropriate action.(政府は公衆の懸念を聞き、適切な対策を取るべきです。)

【concern – 関心】のコロケーション

  1. Express concern (about/over/for something) – ~についての懸念を表明する
    • 彼は環境問題についての懸念を表明しました。
  2. Raise concern – 懸念を引き起こす
    • その報告書は安全に関する新たな懸念を引き起こしました。
  3. Voice concern – 懸念を述べる
    • 彼女は学校の安全性について懸念を述べました。
  4. Share concern – 懸念を共有する
    • 私たちは財政的な問題について同じ懸念を共有しています。
  5. Address concern – 懸念に対処する
    • 政府は犯罪率の上昇に対処するための新しい政策を導入しました。
  6. Environmental concern – 環境への懸念
    • 環境への懸念が高まっており、持続可能な解決策が求められています。

“Concern’s Odyssey: John’s Quest for the Unusual” 『関心のオデッセイ:ジョンの異常な探求』

Once upon a time in a small, quiet town, there was a man named John who had a unique concern. He was known for his insatiable concern about the weather. Every morning, he would rush to check the weather forecast and express concern about the slightest chance of rain, snow, or even a cloudy day. His friends often joked about his unusual concern for meteorological matters.


One day, as John was watching the news, a report about a rare celestial event caught his attention. The concern shifted from weather to the upcoming solar eclipse. He became obsessed with the event, researching it tirelessly, and voicing concern about whether he would have the perfect view.


As the day of the solar eclipse approached, John’s concern reached new heights. He had chosen a specific locale where he believed the view would be unparalleled. His friends found his level of concern amusing, but John was resolute in his determination to witness the event flawlessly.


On the morning of the eclipse, the sky was clear, and John had prime seating in his chosen locale. As the moon began to obscure the sun, a feeling of contentment replaced his earlier concern. He marveled at the celestial spectacle and realized that sometimes, even the most unusual concerns could lead to extraordinary experiences.


From that day forward, John’s concerns continued to evolve, exploring new and fascinating subjects, always ready to embrace the next intriguing locale for his adventures.
