Directions: You will hear a conversation between an event organizer and a vendor discussing preparations for an upcoming festival. After listening to the conversation, answer three questions about what the speakers say. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The conversation will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.

Conversation Script:

Event Organizer: Hello, is this Lisa from Delicious Catering?

Vendor (Lisa): Yes, this is Lisa. How can I assist you today?

Event Organizer: Hi Lisa, this is Tom, the organizer for the Spring Music Festival. I’m calling to finalize the menu and logistics for the food and beverage services at the event.

Lisa: Great, Tom. I was hoping to discuss the menu options. However, I’m a bit concerned about our ability to source some of the ingredients on such short notice.

Tom: I understand. What ingredients are causing trouble?

Lisa: Mainly some of the specialty cheeses and meats for the gourmet sandwiches. They’re not readily available due to supply issues.

Tom: That’s a bit of a challenge. Would you need additional resources or perhaps we could adjust the menu slightly?

Lisa: Adjusting the menu could work. We can substitute some items with similar quality products that are more accessible.

Tom: That sounds like a good plan. And about the staffing?

Lisa: We’re actually short on staff for the event dates. It’s the busy season and we’re stretched thin.

Tom: Okay, how about we assist with some additional staff from our volunteer team? They can help with basic tasks.

Lisa: That would be really helpful, Tom. With that solved, I think we’re good to go.

Tom: Perfect, Lisa. I’ll send over the revised details and confirm everything by tomorrow.

Lisa: Thanks, Tom. Looking forward to a great event.

Question 1: Why is the organizer calling the vendor?
(A) To finalize the menu for the event
(B) To postpone the event date
(C) To discuss lowering the costs
(D) To cancel the service contract

Question 2: What concern does the vendor express?
(A) Difficulty in sourcing ingredients
(B) Lack of staff for the event
(C) Transportation logistics
(D) Weather conditions affecting the setup

Question 3: What solution does the organizer propose?
(A) To look for another vendor
(B) To increase the budget
(C) To assist with additional staff
(D) To change the location of the event

指示 イベント主催者と業者との間で交わされる、次回のフェスティバルの準備に関す る会話を聞いてください。会話を聞いた後、発言者の発言に関する3つの質問に答えなさい。それぞれの質問に最も適切な答えを選び、解答用紙に(A)、(B)、(C)、(D)のいずれかをマークしなさい。この会話はテストブックには印刷されず、1 回だけ話されます。


イベント主催者 こんにちは、デリシャス・ケータリングのリサさんですか?

業者(リサ)です: はい、リサです。本日はどのようなご用件でしょうか?

イベント主催者です: 春の音楽祭の主催者のトムです。イベントの飲食サービスのメニューとロジスティクスの最終確認をしたくてお電話しました。












問題1: イベントオーガナイザーがベンダーに電話をかけた理由は何ですか?
(A) イベントのためのメニューを確定するため
(B) イベントの日付を延期するため
(C) コスト削減について話し合うため
(D) サービス契約をキャンセルするため
正解: A


問題2: ベンダーが表明した懸念は何ですか?
(A) 材料の調達困難
(B) イベントのスタッフ不足
(C) 輸送の物流問題
(D) 設置を影響する天候条件
正解: A


問題3: オーガナイザーが提案した解決策は何ですか?
(A) 別のベンダーを探す
(B) 予算を増やす
(C) 追加スタッフを支援する
(D) イベントの場所を変更する
正解: C
