
Read the texts that follow. A word, phrase, or sentence is missing in parts of each text. Four answer choices for each question are given below the text. Select the best answer to complete the text. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.


To: All Employees
From: Human Resources Department
Date: May 1, 2024
Subject: New Office Procedures

Dear Team,

As part of our ongoing efforts to improve workplace efficiency and productivity, we are implementing several new office procedures starting next week. These changes are designed to streamline our operations and enhance overall performance.

Firstly, all employees are required to clock in using the new digital timekeeping system. This system will replace the current manual sign-in sheets and is expected to reduce errors and save time. [1] , please ensure you log in promptly at the beginning of your shift.

[2] , we are introducing a new email protocol to manage our internal communications better. All non-urgent emails should be sent during regular office hours, while urgent matters should be marked with the “High Priority” flag.

To facilitate collaboration, we are also redesigning the office layout. The new open-plan design will include more shared workspaces and fewer private offices. [3] , the new layout is intended to encourage teamwork and improve communication among departments.

In addition, we will be holding training sessions for all employees on the proper use of the new systems and protocols. Attendance is mandatory. [4] , these sessions will help everyone adapt quickly to the changes and ensure a smooth transition.

Lastly, we encourage feedback from all staff regarding these new procedures. [5] , your input is valuable to us and will help us make further improvements.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Best regards,
Human Resources Department


  1. [1]
    • (A) Therefore
    • (B) Nevertheless
    • (C) However
    • (D) Furthermore
  2. [2]
    • (A) For example
    • (B) In conclusion
    • (C) In addition
    • (D) As a result
  3. [3]
    • (A) On the contrary
    • (B) Conversely
    • (C) Specifically
    • (D) Overall
  4. [4]
    • (A) Hence
    • (B) Despite
    • (C) Otherwise
    • (D) Nevertheless
  5. [5]
    • (A) As usual
    • (B) In contrast
    • (C) In particular
    • (D) After all




宛先: 全従業員
送信元: 人事部
日付: 2024年5月1日
件名: 新しいオフィス手順











  1. [1]
    • 正解: (D) Furthermore
    • 解説: 文脈上、デジタルタイムキーピングシステムの導入後に続けて言及する内容なので、「さらに」という意味の(D) Furthermoreが適切です。
  2. [2]
    • 正解: (C) In addition
    • 解説: 新しい手順を複数紹介する流れなので、「加えて」という意味の(C) In additionが適切です。
  3. [3]
    • 正解: (D) Overall
    • 解説: 新しいオフィスレイアウトの全体的な目的を説明する部分なので、「全体的に」という意味の(D) Overallが適切です。
  4. [4]
    • 正解: (A) Hence
    • 解説: トレーニングセッションがなぜ必要かを説明する部分なので、「したがって」という意味の(A) Henceが適切です。
  5. [5]
    • 正解: (D) After all
    • 解説: スタッフからのフィードバックを求める理由を説明する部分なので、「結局」という意味の(D) After allが適切です。