The Clyde was the first river whose waters were lashed into foam by a steam-boat. It was in 1812 when the steamer called the Comet ran between Glasgow and Greenock, at the speed of six miles an hour. Since that time more than a million of steamers or packet-boats have plied this Scotch river, and the inhabitants of Glasgow must be as familiar as any people with the wonders of steam navigation.


However, on the 3rd of December, 1862, an immense crowd, composed of shipowners, merchants, manufacturers, workmen, sailors, women, and children, thronged the muddy streets of Glasgow, all going in the direction of Kelvin Dock, the large shipbuilding premises belonging to Messrs. Tod & MacGregor. This last name especially proves that the descendants of the famous Highlanders have become manufacturers, and that they have made workmen of all the vassals of the old clan chieftains.

しかし、1862年12月3日、船主、商人、製造業者、労働者、船員、女性、子供からなる大群衆が、グラスゴーの泥だらけの通りを埋め尽くし、Tod & MacGregor社の大きな造船所であるケルビン・ドックに向かっていました。特にMacGregorという名前は、有名なハイランダーの子孫が製造業者となり、古い氏族の族長の家臣たちをすべて労働者にしたことを証明しています。

Kelvin Dock is situated a few minutes’ walk from the town, on the right bank of the Clyde. Soon the immense timber-yards were thronged with spectators; not a part of the quay, not a wall of the wharf, not a factory roof showed an unoccupied place; the river itself was covered with craft of all descriptions, and the heights of Govan, on the left bank, swarmed with spectators.


There was, however, nothing extraordinary in the event about to take place; it was nothing but the launching of a ship, and this was an everyday affair with the people of Glasgow. Had the Dolphin, then-for that was the name of the ship built by Messrs. Tod & MacGregor-some special peculiarity? To tell the truth, it had none.

しかし、これから起こる出来事に特別なことは何もありませんでした。それは船の進水式に過ぎず、グラスゴーの人々にとっては日常的なことでした。Tod & MacGregor社によって建造されたDolphin号(それがその船の名前でした)には、何か特別な特徴があったのでしょうか?実を言うと、何もありませんでした。

It was a large ship, about 1,500 tons, in which everything combined to obtain superior speed. Her engines, of 500 horse-power, were from the workshops of Lancefield Forge; they worked two screws, one on either side the stern-post, completely independent of each other. As for the depth of water the Dolphin would draw, it must be very inconsiderable; connoisseurs were not deceived, and they concluded rightly that this ship was destined for shallow straits. But all these particulars could not in any way justify the eagerness of the people: taken altogether, the Dolphin was nothing more or less than an ordinary ship. Would her launching present some mechanical difficulty to be overcome? Not any more than usual. The Clyde had received many a ship of heavier tonnage, and the launching of the Dolphin would take place in the usual manner.


In fact, when the water was calm, the moment the ebb-tide set in, the workmen began to operate. Their mallets kept perfect time falling on the wedges meant to raise the ship’s keel: soon a shudder ran through the whole of her massive structure; although she had only been slightly raised, one could see that she shook, and then gradually began to glide down the well greased wedges, and in a few moments she plunged into the Clyde. Her stern struck the muddy bed of the river, then she raised herself on the top of a gigantic wave, and, carried forward by her start, would have been dashed against the quay of the Govan timber-yards, if her anchors had not restrained her.


The launch had been perfectly successful, the Dolphin swayed quietly on the waters of the Clyde, all the spectators clapped their hands when she took possession of her natural element, and loud hurrahs arose from either bank.


But wherefore these cries and this applause? Undoubtedly the most eager of the spectators would have been at a loss to explain the reason of his enthusiasm. What was the cause, then, of the lively interest excited by this ship? Simply the mystery which shrouded her destination; it was not known to what kind of commerce she was to be appropriated, and in questioning different groups the diversity of opinion on this important subject was indeed astonishing.


However, the best informed, at least those who pretended to be so, agreed in saying that the steamer was going to take part in the terrible war which was then ravaging the United States of America, but more than this they did not know, and whether the Dolphin was a privateer, a transport ship, or an addition to the Federal marine was what no one could tell.


“Hurrah!” cried one, affirming that the Dolphin had been built for the Southern States.


“Hip! hip! hip!” cried another, swearing that never had a faster boat crossed to the American coasts.


Thus its destination was unknown, and in order to obtain any reliable information one must be an intimate friend, or, at any rate, an acquaintance of Vincent Playfair & Co., of Glasgow.

このように、その目的地は不明であり、信頼できる情報を得るためには、グラスゴーのVincent Playfair & Co.の親友、あるいは少なくとも知人でなければなりませんでした。

A rich, powerful, intelligent house of business was that of Vincent Playfair & Co., in a social sense, an old and honourable family, descended from those tobacco lords who built the finest quarters of the town. These clever merchants, by an act of the Union, had founded the first Glasgow warehouse for dealing in tobacco from Virginia and Maryland. Immense fortunes were realised; mills and foundries sprang up in all parts, and in a few years the prosperity of the city attained its height.

グラスゴーのVincent Playfair & Co.は、裕福で強力で知的な商社であり、社会的には、町の最も素晴らしい地区を建設したタバコ卿の子孫である、古くて名誉ある家族でした。これらの賢い商人は、合同法によって、バージニア州とメリーランド州からのタバコを扱う最初のグラスゴー倉庫を設立しました。莫大な財産が実現され、工場や鋳造所があらゆる場所に現れ、数年後には都市の繁栄は頂点に達しました。

The house of Playfair remained faithful to the enterprising spirit of its ancestors, it entered into the most daring schemes, and maintained the honour of English commerce. The principal, Vincent Playfair, a man of fifty, with a temperament essentially practical and decided, although somewhat daring, was a genuine shipowner. Nothing affected him beyond commercial questions, not even the political side of the transactions, otherwise he was a perfectly loyal and honest man.

Playfair家は、その祖先の進取の精神に忠実であり続け、最も大胆な計画に乗り出し、イギリス商業の名誉を守りました。社長のVincent Playfairは50歳で、気質は本質的に実用的で決断力があり、やや大胆ではありましたが、本物の船主でした。商業的な問題以外には何も影響を受けませんでしたが、政治的な側面を除けば、彼は完全に忠実で正直な男でした。

However, he could not lay claim to the idea of building and fitting up the Dolphin; she belonged to his nephew, James Playfair, a fine young man of thirty, the boldest skipper of the British merchant marine.

しかし、彼はDolphin号を建造し、艤装するというアイデアを主張することはできませんでした。彼女は彼の甥であるJames Playfairのもので、30歳の立派な若者であり、イギリス商船隊で最も大胆な船長でした。

It was one day at the Tontine coffee-room under the arcades of the town hall, that James Playfair, after having impatiently scanned the American journal, disclosed to his uncle an adventurous scheme.

ある日、市庁舎のアーケードの下にあるTontineコーヒー室で、James Playfairはアメリカの雑誌をイライラしながら読んだ後、叔父に冒険的な計画を打ち明けました。